Describes in general what the selected procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program

Explains in detailed steps how the algorithm implemented in the selected procedure accomplishes its task. Performance task 3a. Provide a written response that: (Approx. 150 words, for all subparts of 3a combined) Describes the overall purpose of the program; The purpose of the ‘Get Fit’ app is to aid users in understanding the number of … Read more

What are the various forms of cooperation and integration existing in your chosen facilities? Discuss the nature of management, financing, and quality issues related to integration and cooperation in the facilities?

Management and administration Assume you are responsible for the management and administration of the two facilities. You have to orient the newly appointed manager by providing an overview on managing long-term care. You also need to discuss the programs of the two facilities. From this perspective and based on your research about the facilities, prepare … Read more

Apply and critically appraise administrative principles associated with standard forms of construction related head, minor works and alternative design and construct forms.

Contract Administration. 1. Apply and critically appraise administrative principles associated with standard forms of construction related head, minor works and alternative design and construct forms. 2. Assess and evaluate the appropriate selection, preparation andadministration of construction contracts. 3. Develop your judgement relating to the benefits of the literalapplication of the contract contrasted with the understanding … Read more

Scenario : Demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting.

Scenario For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the subject of a root-cause analysis and safety improvement plan: The specific safety concern identified in your previous assessment pertaining to medication administration safety concerns. The readings, case studies, or a personal experience in which a sentinel event occurred surrounding an issue or … Read more

Collecting and Analyzing Data : Develop a tool for collecting data, find three subject matter experts and have them evaluate your data collection tool through interviews.

Collecting and Analyzing Data Assignment: Subject Matter Experts and Data Collection- Your interview questions and summaries should be 1500-1750 words and should include at least three (3) citations. Clearly mark each heading to identify the interviews and summaries. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. Be sure to use APA guidelines for referencing in an … Read more

What constitutes valid, reliable, and relevant evidence? Why is it necessary to always consider the validity, reliability, and relevance of a research study?

Relevant evidence. Part 1 What constitutes valid, reliable, and relevant evidence? Why is it necessary to always consider the validity, reliability, and relevance of a research study? As you explain why a systematic appraisal of the evidence is necessary, consider the alternative to valid, reliable, and relevant evidence and the potential resulting outcomes. Provide substantive … Read more

What essential differences exist between administration, leadership, and management? 

Administration, Leadership, and Management The terms administration, leadership, and management are often used interchangeably. These terms carry distinct meanings, but we frequently hear them lumped together to the extent that we think of administrators, managers, and leaders as all playing similar roles. We may therefore mistakenly exclude those who are not administrators or managers from … Read more