Advancing Chemistry : Choose one of these practical sessions then write your chosen practical in the form of a scientific paper.

Advancing Chemistry Choose one of these practical sessions then write your chosen practical in the form of a scientific paper: – Acid / Base Titration with Red cabbage Indicator. – Determination of Vitamin C concentration using a redox titration method. Word limit: Maximum 2000 words, excluding references and appendix.  

Using a pH Electrode for an Acid-Base Titration: use a pH electrode to follow the course of an acid-base titration, observe how pH changes slowly during most of the reaction and rapidly near the equivalence point.

Using a pH Electrode for an Acid-Base Titration •Use a pH electrode to follow the course of an acid-base titration, observe how pH changes slowly during most of the reaction and rapidly near the equivalence point. •Compute the first and second derivatives of the titration curve to locate the end point. From the mass of … Read more