Write an essay about safeguarding a vulnerable patient with mental illness who has experienced a form of abuse.

ADVOCACY, EMPOWERMENT AND PROTECTION Write an essay about safeguarding a vulnerable patient with mental illness who has experienced a form of abuse.  Use the following headings: The task for the essay it to look at the impact the safeguarding referral will have on those involved. Write a lot on the Mental Capacity Act, Care Act … Read more

Substance Abuse and Addiction: appraise using an appropriate CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Program) tool.

Substance Abuse and Addiction Appraise them using an appropriate CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Program) tool the topic of substance Abuse and Addiction. The assessment will be conducted using the Test function in the Survey/test option on blackboard 8000 words literature review using on a topic of choice related to the substance use or addictive disorders, … Read more