What types of conflict existed between Lincoln, his cabinet officials, members of Congress, etc.? How did Lincoln manage these conflicts to keep them from spiraling out of control?

Abraham Lincoln Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s skills … Read more

How did Lincoln utilize Leadership Language to mobilize support in favor of the 13th amendment’s ratification? Specifically analyze Lincoln’s tone and styles? In what ways did Lincoln make his communication especially memorable and persuasive?

Abraham Lincoln • Assess the overall leadership of Abraham Lincoln as depicted in the film based upon what you have learned about leadership ethics so far from our course textbook and upon what you may have learned about the subject from other sources. • How did Lincoln utilize Leadership Language  to mobilize support in favor … Read more

Using the texts below, analyze the ethos, logos, and pathos in the three texts. Then, explain which was more effective in which speech and why.

Rhetorical Analysis/ Argumentative Essay You have read three texts by different authors from different time periods. Now, you are going to determine who had the better comments on the issue being discussed. Using the texts below, analyze the ethos, logos, and pathos in the three texts. Then, explain which was more effective in which speech … Read more

Leadership style and approaches of Abraham Lincoln : Write a ten-page research paper on the leadership styles and approaches of Abraham Lincoln.

Leadership style and approaches of Abraham Lincoln Write a ten-page research paper on the leadership styles and approaches of Abraham Lincoln. Paper Format Title Page Chapter I. Introduction This is where you present a purpose, roadmap and short summary on the importance of your select topic. Chapter II. Literature Review This where you will summarize … Read more

The house divided speech Abraham Lincoln: What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?

The house divided speech (1858) Abraham Lincoln  What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?  What can be learned about the culture that produced this document? What can be learned about the mentality of the author?  At the time the document was written, … Read more

Analyze the evidence and explain the content, and extend to a new point.

Excerpt from Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010.) [1] The first racially integrated social movement in American history, abolitionism was also the first to insist on the inextricable connection between the struggles against slavery and racism. [2] “While the word ‘white’ is on the … Read more