How might we amend the law or alter enforcement to account for the nature of work and changes in the labor market in the 21st Century?

The Fair Labor Standards Act Do the enforcement mechanisms for the FLSA match the challenges it presents? How might we amend the law or alter enforcement to account for the nature of work and changes in the labor market in the 21st Century? If you were to modernize the FLSA, would you make changes to the … Read more

There has been a steady decline in crime in the 21st Century. There have been many theories espoused to explain this decline. Write a 2-page paper examining the various explanations given by criminal justice pundits.

The Decline of Crime in the 21st Century. There has been a steady decline in crime in the 21st Century. There have been many theories espoused to explain this decline. Write a 2-page paper examining the various explanations given by criminal justice pundits. Make your conclusion at the end. Reference (4) articles

Share a list of brainstorming ideas of a lesson, activity or unit you want to modify, adapt or create for your students integrating one or more of the technologies covered in this course.

Brainstorming Share a list of brainstorming ideas  of a lesson, activity or unit you want to modify, adapt or create for your students integrating one or more of the technologies covered in this course. Reflect a way for students to not only learn content but hone their critical consciousness/thinking skills of collaboration, creativity, or research … Read more

Provide a commentary in which you discuss the role and impact of media in 21st century

Online media platform Create a portfolio within which you must include the following elements: Part 1: Design and make a media ‘product’ which could be presented on a specified online media platform. Part 2: Provide a commentary in which you discuss the role and impact of media in 21st century.  

Compose a paper drawing some conclusions about the current state of constitutional and religious history in the U.S. in the 21st century.

Religious Liberty Compose a paper drawing some conclusions about the current state of constitutional and religious history in the U.S. in the 21st century. The specific assignment instructions are the following: Length of assignment: 5-7 pages excluding title page, abstract, and reference section. Format of assignment: latest edition of APA. Number of citations: a minimum … Read more

Public Law : ‘The conventions concerning individual ministerial accountability, and collective Cabinet responsibility are not fit for purpose as mechanisms for regulating the conduct of government in the 21st Century.’Critically discuss this statement.

Public LawWord limit: 1,500 words. 1. ‘The conventions concerning individual ministerial accountability, and collective Cabinet responsibility are not fit for purpose as mechanisms for regulating the conduct of government in the 21st Century.’Critically discuss this statement. In answering this question, you may wish to discuss one or more ofthe following: the role which constitutional conventions … Read more

Quantum Computing: write about two pages of a summary of what quantum computing means to us today and what it might mean in the future.

Quantum Computing From all that you have learned about Quantum Computing in the 21st century,write about two pages of a summary of what quantum computing means to us today and what it might mean in the future.Make sure you discuss each of the following: 1) What degree of performance has Quantum Computing Achieved today? 2) … Read more