Human rights: hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century?how does Hunt answer her own question?

Human rights Hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century? How does Hunt answer her own question? Hunt raises the point that human rights are claimed to be “self-evident.” But if this were the case, why … Read more

Is it appropriate to use inoculation to protect his children against future outbreaks of smallpox, even though there is not an active outbreak right now?based on what you have learned, how would you answer?

For as long as there have been doctors, there have been debates about the most appropriate ways to treat disease. Doctors and patients always struggle to evaluate the expected risks and benefits of different remedies. The debates have often been most vigorous with epidemic diseases because the decisions affect not just individual patients, but also … Read more