Describe how the messages will be communicated to the internal audience.

Brief introduction of the organization including its history, structure, culture, etc. Here, describe the situation that calls for the internal communication plan, including the SWOT analysis of the organization if applicable. (study case)Internal Communication Plan written report format A manufacturing company is facing challenges in effectively communicating with its employees. The company has grown rapidly … Read more

Explain relationship between these different points as constituting a hierarchy of information. In most essays, the hierarchy breaks down in three parts.

Write a two paragraph summary of this week’s reading assignment. Short discussion When we read any argument essay, we should be aware that some information in the essay is more important than other information. In other words, some things in the essay are there in support of larger or more general arguments. We can think … Read more

How does this illusion demonstrate the rules and principles our brain uses to organize and interpret the information presented in a stimulus?

Revisit the distinction between sensory and perceptual processes by looking at one of the well-known optical illusions we encountered in class (e.g., Ponzo, Mueller Lyer). Recall that sensation and perception are distinct processes.Sensation involves absorbing information from physical stimuli in the environment through the senses, which then translate the information into neural signals that can … Read more

Describe what is the biggest consideration for you in determining a good career fit.

What are your top 3 must-haves and top 3 walkaways when considering a career/job offer Considerations There is a lot to consider when making a career decision. After viewing the LinkedIn Learning video Negotiating Your Job Offer and then completing the form Getting Clear on What You want, consider these questions: What are your top … Read more

In Free State of Jones write filmmaker Gary Ross presents his version of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

What extent does the film reflect the realities of the period? In Free State of Jones, filmmaker Gary Ross presents his version of the Civil War and Reconstruction. To what extent does the film reflect the realities of the period? Responses to this question should be rooted in the assigned film and readings. 4 pages … Read more

Use the provided Functional Behavior Assessment Assignment Template for this assignment.

Gather data from a provided student scenario or through student observations in the field to complete the provided Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Form. If you choose to use a student observation for this assignment instead of the scenario provided, include a one-page description of the student or the observation that you completed in module 3. … Read more

After reading the Digital Turn case study 360 Degrees of Music, view the short supplemental videos and prepare a 1-2 page opinion piece on this business practice and its impact on artists.

360 Degrees of Music After reading the Digital Turn case study 360 Degrees of Music, view the short supplemental videos and prepare a 1-2 page opinion piece on this business practice and its impact on artists. In your opinion piece, make at least one reference to each of the videos to support your work.