Does this episode change your perceptions of any historical figures-Why or why not?

listen to the first episode of the 1619 podcast (it can be accessed through any podcast service, or you can just Google it and there is a free version available) If you had to distill the episode into a topic statement, what is the topic of this episode Which sound effects were effective, in your … Read more

Prepare 1-2 other tables similar to the one after the conclusion that can be used inside an Anger Management program.

Anger Management Program/Course Write a 6 -page APA-style essay, using the headings from the attached essay (except for the Community-Centered Alignment). Prepare 1-2 other tables similar to the one after the conclusion that can be used inside an Anger Management program. Use at least 5 scholarly sources for the essay.  

How would the new approach/strategy look in your recommendation?

Discuss the concept enough to demonstrate your understanding of it. Application of Consumer Behavior for Managerial Improvement Using your marketing vision, select one or more topics from the course and describe a practical, realistic application of this to improve upon a managerial problem (or provide a managerial opportunity) for a business. Your ACBMI should go … Read more

Research the issue of Reparations, being sure that you understannd not just the side you are inclined to agree with but the other side as well.

INT322: Approaches to Critical Thinking Research the issue of Reparations, being sure that you understand not just the side you are inclined to agree with but the other side as well. Also, consider whether there might be a middle ground between the two sides. After completing your analysis, decide which view is most reasonable, and … Read more

Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work.

Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process expressive clarity Topic: Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work. Organization: Effectively organize communications. EvidenceBased: Identify and appropriately structure the information needed to support an … Read more

Consider the potential impact of the type of treatment and level of care on the treatment process for a client with co-occurring substance-related and psychiatric disorders.

A discussion of the level of care for treatment recommendations Consider the potential impact of the type of treatment and level of care on the treatment process for a client with co-occurring substance-related and psychiatric disorders. Write a 750-1,000-word paper about the impact to the client. Address the following in your paper: A minimum of … Read more

Find the NAICS code for your primary industry.

The % of insiders that are on the Board of Directors of the firm. A project on a Grant-seeking and proposal writing Find out the ticker under which your company’s stock trades. Find the NAICS code for your primary industry. Is the CEO also the Chairman of the Board? (Yes/No answer) The % of insiders … Read more

How this knowledge and awareness can/will strengthen your future leadership and organizational effectiveness.

The most important lessons about leadership and organizations taken from course readings, activities, and the reasons these are personally meaningful C-suite: Leadership The final course paper (~5 pages) is an individual written and oral assignment in which students are asked to integrate their learnings from the course and create a comprehensive guide for themselves of … Read more

Are there any images you need to create-If so, what tools will you use?

Project 4 Plan (outline) This assignment asks you to plan and create an outline for Project 4. It’s OK to revise this before your final submission, so make your best guess based on what you know right now. During our final class, you will have a chance to present your project informally to your classmates. … Read more