Research ethnocentric conflict and its global impact, particularly on women and children and neighboring countries or regions. Then create a report with your findings and analysis in the format of your choosing .

The Global Impact of Conflict The effect of ethnocentric conflict around the world extends beyond those actually involved in the violence. These conflicts impact the surrounding regions as well as a countless number of innocent women and children. Research ethnocentric conflict and its global impact, particularly on women and children and neighboring countries or regions. … Read more

Impact of Barbary Wars : Using Oren’s own title template of Power, Faith, and Fantasy, how would you use these terms to describe some aspect of what the US government learned from its Barbary experience?Explain.

Impact of Barbary Wars Turabian format Using Oren’s own title template of Power, Faith, and Fantasy, how would you use these terms to describe some aspect of what the US government learned from its Barbary experience?Explain. What did the US government learn about Power at this time? Did Faith play any role in its lessons, … Read more

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership 1) What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him. 2) In the Indian corporate culture ,how is it that a culture of social innovation can … Read more

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership. What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him. In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. … Read more

Does the current international norm known as R2P (the Right to Protect) seem a robust deterrent likely to change the desirability of states for military-based humanitarian intervention?

Ghosts of Rwanda. 7 double spaced pages in Turabian format, not including additional pages for title and references, answer the following prompts below separately in a single document using all learning available this session including biblical and extra-biblical resources, your own research, and the important Mingst, McKibben, Arreguín-Toft: Chapter 10 material on Human Rights. You … Read more

Stakeholder Theory: Explore the ways in which stakeholder theory and values management can be used by organizations, as tools in addressing economic, commercial, social and environmental problems.  

Stakeholder Theory Explore the ways in which stakeholder theory and values management can be used by organizations, as tools in addressing economic, commercial, social and environmental problems.

Case Study Comparative: Write a 1,000 word comparative essay in APA 7 format with proper citations comparing and contrasting two state governance policies from the required reading below:

Case Study Comparative Write a 1,000 word comparative essay in APA 7 format with proper citations comparing and contrasting two state governance policies from the required reading below:

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?state the topic.

•What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise? •Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users  from the Federal government down to state and local agencies ? … Read more

Social Innovation In India: discuss the role of digital technology on social innovation in your own words and opinions.discuss its importance in developing countries like India.

Social Innovation In India 1. Watch this Ted Talk. There has been much discussion and disagreement about the role of digital technology in social change, as the fascinating debate between Malcolm Gladwell and Clay Shirky on digital political organising reveals, with Gladwell making a series of powerful points about the limits of social media … Read more