How do spiritual beliefs and reason integrate in government styles of ancient cultures?

East versus West. Sacred Beliefs and Political Institutions of Ancient Empires. How do spiritual beliefs and reason integrate in government styles of ancient cultures? Use examples from ancient China and Japan versus ancient Maya and Aztec-style rule and governance. How are their cultures similar in religious and secular authority? How are they different? Give examples.

For this assignment choose one of the following films to review. Write an essay of 1000 words to address the following question.

Environmental sustainability in social and community work. For this assignment choose one of the following films to review. Write an essay of 1000 words to address the following question. (They are available in the library ETV resources ( ) 1. Why did you choose this film? 2. What did you learn from the film? Content … Read more

Demonstrate your understanding of how the following five disciplines comprise a worldview;

Five disciplines that comprise a worldview. Demonstrate your understanding of how the following five disciplines comprise a worldview; History, geography, anthropology, economics, and politics. Address religion, the status of Christianity, and specific ways to pray for and reach this country with the gospel. Each of the five sections should be about 250 words.

Conduct a worldview study on the country of Russia and write a 1,000 – 1,500 word research paper.

Global Studies Conduct a worldview study on the country of Russia and write a 1,000 – 1,500 word research paper. All five themes should be addressed using the actual headings: history, geography, anthropology, economics, and politics. Each of the five sections should be about 250 words. The references page should cite at least five sources, … Read more

Compare and contrast one of these worldviews with Christian theism, using the “Ten Ways of Looking at the World” you’ve read about in Myers and Noebel’s (2015) in the Understanding the Times text.

Christian theism, secular materialism, Marxism, Postmodernism, and pantheism/New Spiritualism Focusing on the concept of worldview and analyzed Christian theism, secular materialism, Marxism, Postmodernism, and pantheism/New Spiritualism as live worldview options in today’s world. Compare and contrast one of these worldviews with Christian theism, using the “Ten Ways of Looking at the World” you’ve read about … Read more

What is missing from both of the worldviews presented in “Cruel Logic”?

Cruel Logic Godawa’s short film “Cruel Logic,” is a brilliant example of a narrative that portrays worldview engagement. In the film, a postmodernist professor has a dialogue with a secular materialist in order to highlight the failure of both worldviews. In light of this film, answer the questions after you have watched the video: What … Read more