What assumptions are made and shown about the relationship between sex and gender, and/or sex and sexuality in what you’ve observed?

Use this website to answer: https://carnegieendowment.org/2018/02/20/tackling-women-s-underrepresentation-in-u.s.-politics-comparative-perspectives-from-europe-pub-75315. How are gender roles and ideas about gender structured and shown in what you’ve observed? How is sexuality portrayed in what you’ve observed? What assumptions are made and shown about the relationship between sex and gender, and/or sex and sexuality in what you’ve observed? How does gender intersect with … Read more

Female solo travelers are most influenced by their nearest/closest environmental agents when choosing South America as their travel destination in comparison to men.Discuss

Solo Female Traveler and who influences in their decision making. Female solo travelers are most influenced by their nearest/closest environmental agents when choosing South America as their travel destination in comparison to men.Discuss Mention and cite some sociology authors regarding this phenomenon (could be Maslow’s pyramid, Stereotype, discrimination theory, Robert Merton’s functionalism, etc.,) since it … Read more

Describe the problem/issue-How does “normal” come to exist— for whom, when, where and why? Who is excluded or oppressed by these multiple norms?

Pay Inequality in the American health care system for female African American doctors Describe the problem/issue. • Make sure you cover all the relevant aspects of the problem. (e.g. setting, specific issue, how it relates to gender/sexual orientation) • What aspect of gender are you examining? (Identity, presentation, behavior, etc.) • What is “normal” and … Read more

What is the relationship between cultural appropriation and globalization?

Choose ONE of the following prompts to write a 5-7-page paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font. What is the relationship between cultural appropriation and globalization? What is difference between a focus on “ethical” consumption vs a focus on changing the actual means of production? Which one needs to be a more focus on, … Read more

What are some of the pitfalls of attempts by some Western feminists to examine patriarchy and oppression in non-Western contexts?

Provide a transnational analysis on issues facing women in the Global South. What are some of the pitfalls of attempts by some Western feminists to examine patriarchy and oppression in non-Western contexts? How can these be mitigated?