Microeconomics – cost: calculate the average total cost, average variable cost, average fixed cost, and marginal cost for baking one dozen, two dozen, three dozen, four dozen, five dozen, six dozen, seven dozen, eight dozen, nine dozen, and ten dozen cookies.

Microeconomics – cost Go to your local grocery store and price the ingredients for baking chocolate chip cookies. For simplicity, assume the ingredients for three dozen cookies are: One 16 oz. box of sugar One 12 oz. bag of chocolate chips One 2 lb. bag of flour One dozen eggs A fixed cost of $30 … Read more

Market Structures:Select any company and discuss what type of market structure the company compete in ?

Market Structures Select any company and : Discuss what type of market structure the company compete in ? Justify your choice by answering the questions below: What is the approximate number of sellers in your market? What are the barriers entry for new competitors? How much market power does your company possess? How much differentiation … Read more

PLAAFP and Annual Goals: use the “Ana Case Study” to write a 250-500 word PLAAFP.

PLAAFP and Annual Goals Part 1: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Use the “Ana Case Study” to write a 250-500 word PLAAFP. Your PLAAFP should include: Student academic strengths Evaluations Performance in classes Potential influences of language, culture, and family background Strengths, preferences, and interests in nonacademic areas Any other relevant … Read more

Stakeholder or Stockholder: is your current organization managed by the stakeholder or stockholder approach?do you agree/disagree with the approach that has been utilized?

Stakeholder or Stockholder Analyze a current or past organization where you have worked. Is your current organization managed by the stakeholder or stockholder approach? Do you agree/disagree with the approach that has been utilized? If you agree with the approach, please state why. If you disagree, what changes would you make? Be specific with your … Read more

Milestone One: explain the biological and molecular basis of public health [MPH.BIO.04]

Milestone One ● Explain the biological and molecular basis of public health [MPH.BIO.04] ● Apply biological principles to development and implementation of disease prevention, control, or management programs [MPH.BIO.08] ● Integrate general biological and molecular concepts into public health [MPH.BIO.10]  In this section you will set the stage for your analysis by describing the public … Read more

Study from the reference section of your selected study and explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.

Study from the reference section of your selected study and explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this resarch. A. Discuss how the results from this study compare with those of a study listed in the references or your main … Read more

How did you feel working with this age group of patients?how did you see this resilience?was their resilience good or bad for them? what concerns did you have about their family?

75 year old Patient with End Stage Renal Disease with a new Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and his resilience to continue to with Chemo therapy Topic is bout aging and resilience, dying and late in life disorders. The Older Adult, End of Life Issues Geriatrics and Pediatrics, Late life disorders, Disordered Cognition, Neurocognitive Disorders, Other … Read more

Critically debate the potential future direction of occupational therapy within the global arena.

Future Directions for Occupational Therapy 3500-word Limit. 1. Critically debate the potential future direction of occupational therapy within the global arena. 2. Critically evaluate leadership and change management within the future direction of occupational therapy (learning outcomes)You are required to submit a 3500-word assignment critically debating an occupational therapy service, which could contribute to the … Read more

Where and are the pollution levels from the two sources, and are expenditure levels on pollution reduction. What is the cheapest way of fixing the total pollution level to 1000?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems (a) Two pollution sources can be cleaned up if money is spent on them according to the functions   where and are the pollution levels from the two sources, and are expenditure levels (in £000s) on pollution reduction. What is the cheapest way (minimum cost) of fixing the total pollution level to 1000? … Read more