Demonstrate professional and personal growth regarding the advocacy role of the advance practice nurse in healthcare policy for diverse healthcare settings.

Demonstrate professional and personal growth regarding the advocacy role of the advance practice nurse in healthcare policy for diverse healthcare settings. Analyze historical, ethical, political contexts, and professional values of healthcare policies and the consequences of policy implementation. Advocate for institutional, local, national, and international policies that influence person-centered healthcare, consumers, and nursing practice.

Descriptive Epidemiology : write a 1,250–1,500-word paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science.

Descriptive Epidemiology Write a 1,250–1,500-word paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science. Explain the concept of descriptive epidemiology using either a theoretical or conceptual understanding of a specific condition to identify patterns (e.g., distribution of data, data collection, condition or distribution of the data, and determinants in the relationship to disease populations). … Read more

Managerial Economics: what will happen to the company if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates?how will profitability be impacted by inflation or deflation?

Managerial Economics What will happen to the company if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates? How will profitability be impacted by inflation or deflation? Considering these issues and the possible repercussions of changes in monetary policy are important in making sure that the company is able to weather any storm. Instructions Should be 2 ½ … Read more

Introduction to Humanities U 3: using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music.what specific factors go into “listening”?

Introduction to Humanities U 3 Tenth Edition, 2019 Lee A. Jacobus & F. David Martin McGraw-Hill Education Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?

Define social determinants of health and explain how they impact individual and community health.

The responses should be 1-3 paragraphs in length. Question #1 In your own words: • Define leading health indicators • Define social determinants of health • Describe the difference between the two Question #2 Summarize the article.                                                                                     Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address … Read more

Building on your research and content, describe how your chosen motivational theory impacts your work world

In the week two Discussion Forum, you selected the theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Building on your research and content, describe how your chosen motivational theory impacts your work world (or one you have been part of in a previous work environment). Describe the impact of your chosen motivational theory on the following components of … Read more

Describe the difference between quality and patient safety .

Quality and Patient Safety  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What is the difference between quality and patient safety? While responding to this question, make sure to address the following: Describe the difference. Explain your rationale. Cite specific examples from practice or literature. Textbook Sherwood, G. and Barnsteiner, J. (2017). Quality … Read more