Are there elements of the message or media that would make this a wrong choice for children int he target age group?

How might parents or teachers use this media in interacting with children Assess media sources directed at children. Either a children’s show or other forms of media. Focus on how children are portrayed, how children’s issues are addressed, or how the media is designed to appeal to or influence children. If there is a teaching … Read more

Explain why you believe you can apply the examples of your selected leader to your “real-world” experience

Discuss the book’s premise and why you selected it based on its “premise. Leadership… Pick one book about one leader from the link above and write a one-page answer about why choose the book and the leader and the question below Discuss the book’s premise and why you selected it based on its “premise.” … Read more

Create an animated and visualized view with hourly departures during the month in New York area.

Data Analytics Practice With Tableau (I) Getting Tableau Program; Download/Upload Real Business Data a) Open the website of the real business that we are working with at: b) View and make a note for the default system data properties the website provided c) Download the needed data of 201501-citibike-tripdata.csv from Canvas-Assignment–Data Analytics Exercise with … Read more

Is there a line where we drown in our devices and lose ourselves in the outside world?

What do we identify as traditional social institutions Watch the Amy’s Kitchen episode from the famous show Chef Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmare. Part 2 discussion (1) What do we identify as traditional social institutions? (2) Social institutions are established or standardized patterns of rule-governed behavior. They include family, education, religion, work, ethnic identity, social identity, … Read more

Show the graph that corresponds to the matrix in the first problem assuming the rows and columns correspond to the vertices a, b, c, d and e. Show its condensation graph, renaming its vertices.

Show the intermediate matrices after each iteration of the outermost loop. Using Warshall’s algorithm 1. Using Warshall’s algorithm, compute the reflexive-transitive closure of the relation below. Show the matrix after the reflexive closure and then after each pass of the outermost for loop that computes the transitive closure. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 … Read more

If one is sitting at the end of the period, what cas fore future correlation between Mil and Ra. using the Fama-French Three Factor Model?

Portfolio Management 19) The spreadsheet 1.1W,I_Q19 has weekly data for Apple and Royal Caribbean stocks over a three-year period, and weekly Fama-French Three Factor returns over the same time period. a) What is the sample correlation between Mkis the fore and RCI. over t that the period? b) If one is sitting at the end … Read more

What is the difference between Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases?

Why would we need to know the index case for the purpose of disease containment Module 9: Global Systems Level: Our World Cheat sheets for this module: Survival Analysis Field Epidemiology Terms Emerging Infectious Diseases Choose the type of Epidemic Biostatistics – Survival Analysis Understand the following terms associated with Survival Analysis Define the following … Read more

Describe where you believe the profession of social work will be going in the next five to 10 years, as it pertains to the Grand Challenge you chose, based on relevant information sources in this area.

Choose one of these Challenges that you identify with and use it as the foundation for your statement on the profession of social work and its future. SOCW 200: Expectations and Hope for the Future of Social Work (10%) This assignment is designed to help you think about how you envision the role of social … Read more