Portfolio analysis : Please summarize your findings in a 4-6 page APA formatted paper and explain how this data analysis could benefit companies.

Portfolio analysis Invest $100,000 of “funny” money in twenty different companies. In ten different industries: 1.Technology and communications 2.Biomedical 3.Transportation 4.Entertainment 5.Consumer goods 6.Apparel 7.Soft drinks 8.Communications 9.Phamaceuticals 10.Oil & gas The minimum requirements for the Portfolio analysis: 1.Show your investments in twenty (20) well DIVERSIFIED investments. 2.Please indicate the industry or the specific section … Read more

Statistic Problems : Describe the ways in which your design considers the 5 measures of usability.How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task?How long does it take to perform relevant benchmarks?

Statistic Problems Design sketches. Using pen and paper, sketch out two different ideas of preliminary designs for your user interface. Consider the particular needs of your target user population. Describe and explain each set of sketches. Storyboard designs. Arrange the sketches in the order that they will be used in your scenario and describe each … Read more

Oasis Food : Brainstorm ways to represent the data. You could use different types of charts, graphs, or simply tables.What do they need to know?

Oasis Food A few weeks after your kickoff meeting, your team is digging into the design process of Oasis Food’s order forecasting system. Through user interviews, you have learned that the clients keep track of their orders in Excel sheets and are frustrated by the manual labor and potential for error. They also complain about … Read more

Virtue Ethics : Describe the acorn/oak tree analogy as relevant to Aristotle’s virtue ethics.What is the ultimate goal that Aristotle thinks all action aims at?

Virtue Ethics. • Describe the acorn/oak tree analogy as relevant to Aristotle’s virtue ethics. • What is the ultimate goal that Aristotle thinks all action aims at? • What are external goods? Provide examples and an explanation of their value. • What are internal goods? Provide examples and explanations of them. • Which of the … Read more

Discuss the advantages and challenges of job hopping from the employer’s and the employee’s perspectives Describe six characteristics associated with a diversity program’s long-term success.

Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Instructions: Discuss the advantages and challenges of job hopping from the employer’s and the employee’s perspectives. Describe six characteristics associated with a diversity program’s long-term success. Provide a 1 page document in 12 point font with one inch margins. Provide two references. Use the APA format.

American Short Story : How is Charlie a living representative of the era during which the story is set the early 1930s?  Offer examples from the text.

American Short Story critical brief How is Charlie a living representative of the era during which the story is set—the early 1930s?  Offer examples from the text. To what degree is Charlie ready, or not ready, to put the “bad old days” firmly behind him, for the sake of having his daughter returned to his … Read more

Research Proposal : What factors contribute to the development of chemotherapy sensitivity/intolerance in African American females age 65 years and older diagnosed with breast cancer?

Research Proposal What factors contribute to the development of chemotherapy sensitivity/intolerance in African American females age 65 years and older diagnosed with breast cancer? Calibri 11 Use proper in-text citation according to APA 7th Minimum number references: 15