Select 2-3 Principles of Design for your space and include images to display the principles.

Create a sketch or Pinterest Board (including 2-3 images from each section above) to bring your design to life. Creative Project Part I: Inspiration (35 points) Write a brief paragraph explaining your vision for this design project and how the space will be used. Be sure to include essential details such as specific audiences who … Read more

What order quantity should the manager use to minimize total costs?

BUSADM 370 Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Homework 3 (50 points): For all the problems, you must show your complete and accurate work to receive full scores. If you only provide the final answers without showing your computations, even your answer is correct, you will not be assigned a full score (or if your answer … Read more

What, if anything, has your project made you notice about language that you did not notice before?

How did you deviate from standard guidelines of AD Spanish Question General Questions on the AD Process (15%) What was the most rewarding part of the process of AD? Why? , be specific. How did you overcome challenges during your research? Identify at least three (3) difficulties that arose during the project and explain how … Read more

Complete any relevant data preparation tasks demonstrated in the textbook chapters and in class

Azure ML studio and tableau For the first one download the below Tableau workbook file and complete the instructions within using the embedded data (no dataset upload required). Send completed Tableau workbook. For the second assignment create a basic machine learning modeling experiment in Azure ML Studio to predict one of the labels Potential features: … Read more

Do you think your VALS types are stable or will they change as you get older?

IA3 consumer behavior Go to the link below to complete the VALS survey: Links to an external site. Click on the link at the bottom of the page that says “Take the Survey” to start the survey. The site will provide you with a primary and secondary VALS type. Your assignment is to discuss … Read more

What is the 95% confidence interval of the conditional average treatment effect for above-median water users?

Estimate the standard error of the estimated CATE for below-median water users. Designing Experiment Homework 5 Article & Data This homework is partially based on Ferraro and Price (2013) Review of Economics and Statistics, which you used for HW1-HW3, and partially based on Thornton (2008) American Economic Review, which you used for HW3-HW4. Individual Questions … Read more

What does the author say about his/her findings?

Modern social work values Review Paper of Journal Article: Racovita-Szilagyi & Diaconu (2016). Biblical Foundations of Modern Social Work Values and Practice Competencies. The Journal of Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, 1, 1-20. Requirements: Obtain article through Google search. Read article and use these guidelines in your review: In the introduction: What is the … Read more

Do you have any Cyber Security related topics you can present on that line up with a skill in a job position?

PowerPoint slides with presentation speech per slide Content: Present what you know regarding Cyber Security in a condensed presentation. Do you have a github account? Have you ever written a bash script, a python script? Look back at some of the biggest projects you have put together at NOVA and here at Mason and other … Read more

Examine each character in the phone number and increment the appropriate count in the array.

Elements of computer programming Assignment-5 Problem 1: In check-writing systems, it’s crucial to prevent alteration of check amounts. One common security method requires that the amount be written in numbers and spelled out in words as well. Even if someone can alter the numerical amount of the check, it’s tough to change the amount in … Read more

Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?

CYB 362 – Vulnerability Analysis Hands-on Assignment Objective The objective of this lab is to gain experience in vulnerability analysis. Prerequisites Laptop with internet connectivity Virtual environment One metasploitable machine One Kali machine Lab Setup Go to and sign up for a nessus trial Go to the email you signed up with and copy … Read more