Describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

Socialization As humans, we become aware of ourselves as belonging to a group and we learn how to behave through the process of socialization. Describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not? In your post, be sure … Read more

Using what you know about cultural relativism, defend or criticize their position.

The Right to Deny Service Private business owners argue that they have the right to deny services to people to whom they object based on religious beliefs. Read the following link to learn more. “Freedom or Oppression? That’s the Question for Arizona’s SB1062.” 26 February 2014. (Links to an external site.) Using what you … Read more

Read the two articles below and write a brief summary/response for each.

Language 1. Read the two articles below and write a brief summary/response for each. 2. Then, spend some time on the internet researching the Chumash People and their language project. How is language power for a culture? “Shakespeare in the Bush” (Links to an external site.) “Why Don’t You Say What You Mean?” … Read more

Explain how a focus on values can help us understand why people around the world love their countries.

Values Respond briefly to each of the following Explain how a focus on values can help us understand why people around the world love their countries. How would you apply a holistic approach to the study of technological change? How would you apply a cross-cultural approach to study sleeping habits?

Identify and describe the basic digital commerce marketing and advertising strategies and tools.

Marketing and Advertising Identify and describe the basic digital commerce marketing and advertising strategies and tools. Characterize the main technologies that support online marketing Examine the difference between traditional online marketing and the new social-mobile-local marketing platforms and the relationships between social, mobile, and local marketing. Describe the social marketing process and the marketing capabilities … Read more

Explain what Ayer means by justification, truth, and conviction.

Knowledge & Knowing In the Mediations, Descartes was concerned to find knowledge that was true, certain, and well-justified. Three centuries later, A. J. Ayer wrote that to know something is have a justified true belief about it. Gettier objected to Ayer’s characterization of knowledge by offering a counterexample. In your view, are the criteria of … Read more