Compare and contrast two genres of cinema (Classical, Modern, or Postmodern), illustrating your answer by discussing one or more films.

Define and discuss the fundamental elements of these genres as suggested in the course lectures. Use the ESSAY Answer Template for your answers. (I attached it) You are required to write a total of three essays, one essay for each section (A, B, and C). Each answer must be a minimum of 600 words (but … Read more

What did he mean by it and analyze whether or not this was a successful foreign policy strategy.

While not approving of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, many countries in the global south but also among America’s allies have a certain understanding for Putin’s actions. Analyze and assess the reasons for this. Select ONE question from the questions below and write research paper of c. 1800 words (plus/minus 10 per cent) (the … Read more

How did Boarding Schools make some Indians stronger-What eventually happened in modern schools?

Native Americans Unspoken: Native American Boarding Schools Links to an external site. Short Answers [2-4 sentences]: answer these questions below (10 points) and view these other items for the bonus questions (5 pts) What is Assimilation? Give examples of how it was implemented. (2 pts) How were the children treated that was like the … Read more

As you think about your future career in Technology, how would you address these issues?

Would you agree or disagree with Wynn’s research analysis Journal Entry Part 1 discussion optional GT (1) What are your thoughts about this issue in our field? Would you agree or disagree with Wynn’s research analysis? (2) As you think about your future career in Technology, how would you address these issues?    

Based on a simple and relatively small dataset, provide essential summary information and visualization of this dataset (500 richest people in 2021).

What are suitable and useful yardsticks to compare against Industry, Geography, etc. Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics: Based on a simple and relatively small dataset, provide essential summary information and visualization of this dataset (500 richest people in 2021). • Finding relevant descriptive variables is perforce a creative endeavor  try different things, and “see” what works … Read more

How did Boarding Schools make some Indians stronger-What eventually happened in modern schools?

How do Native American mascots affect some people both negatively and positively Our Spirits Don’t Speak English: Indian Boarding Schools Unspoken: Native American Boarding Schools Links to an external site. Short Answers [2-4 sentences]: answer these questions below (10 points) and view these other items for the bonus questions (5 pts) What is Assimilation? … Read more

What are the choices you can make  are you free to choose to act or not to act?

What responsibility does the individual(s) have to respond to this ethical problem (must be included for each film) Film Abstract Instructions and Sample Questions and points to consider (asterisk indicates required questions/items): Instructions: View 5 films – one abstract for each film; upload one document to “assignments” in Canvas by the due date noted in … Read more

Modify the code to display guessed letters under the “used letters” in the Hangman GUI window.

JAVA OOP that is run in IntelliJ IDEA: TO DO: (1) Modify the code to display guessed letters under the “used letters” in the Hangman GUI window. ( (2) Implement at least 15 possible JUnit test cases in the ModifyFile Program (a client-server-based program). (  

Create the corresponding html and php files so that a user can delete Jane Doe from the database from a web browser.

IT/BIFX 530 Applied Database Systems Consider the banking example we used in the SQL in-class exercises: branch (branch_name, branch_city, assets) customer (customer_name, customer_street, customer_city) account (account_number, branch_name, balance) loan (loan_number, branch_name, amount) depositor (customer_name, account_number) borrower (customer_name, loan_number) Write PHP code for the following problems: 1. From the previous PHP/SQL Lab 1, you inserted the … Read more

Use this resource as your main research to decide on your sequence material.

Final Project – Documentary Film Opening Credits Project: Create an opening sequence for a hypothetical documentary film on a famous public figure. You will use still photos or video, animated text, logos, animation, screen captures, score music, voice overs, and sound elements to create a compelling sequence. You may utilize ANY of the skills from … Read more