Chose any scripture and discuss who was the author of this text? When was it written? For what purpose was it written, and what do we know about the social situation the author was writing in?

Explore the discipline of biblical criticism.  write on a scripture passage chose any. The purpose of the paper is for you to research and then report on scholarly views on your scriptural passage. Paper should answer the following questions about your scriptural passage: Chose any scripture and discuss who was the author of this text? … Read more

 Trial of a new medication: what factors might you use to argue in favor of FDA approval? how would you argue against FDA approval?

Description Trial of a new medication has been completed. Data analysis reveals that the new medication is ‘statistically’ significant in giving a superior result from the standard treatment. Then (as in the hypothetical case presented by Turner) the new medication is shown to have a small practical or clinical value. What factors might you use … Read more

Write a 300 word reflection explaining how you used six or more guidelines from Levels 1 and 2 of edits in revising process.

Write a 300 word reflection explaining how you used six or more guidelines from Levels 1 and 2 of edits in revising process. Tell  readers chapter 19’s various points helped  revise different aspects , such as, developing a global focus, writing a purpose statement, and coming up with a plan to organize main points.  

I. Define CAM. describe the patient who uses CAM the most. list some common misconceptions about CAM.

Homework Topic 5 00 Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document. I. Define CAM. 2.Describe the patient who uses CAM the most. 3. List some common misconceptions about CAM. 4. Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education. 5. Discuss … Read more

Describe the impact of using an indoor cook stove on health.which population groups are most affected by indoor cooking pollution?

Description Describe the impact of using an indoor cook stove on health. Which population groups are most affected by indoor cooking pollution? What are some solutions to improve indoor air in developing countries? How does poor sanitation affect health? Describe a low-income’s initiative to improve sanitation. Respond to at least 2 other posts.

How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?

Benchmark – Creating a Standards-Based Lesson Plan (Arizona State Standards) Professional growth in developing effective lessons and lesson plans comes with practice. This assignment provides the opportunity to connect the multiple elements of lesson planning into a single document. For this benchmark, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a standards-based lesson plan for … Read more

Scenario: Investigative Plan: create and describe a list of 10 investigative steps you would take to address this situation.

Scenario: Investigative Plan You are hired as a consultant in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Police officers have been able to obtain limited information for each robbery. Your first order of business is to create a draft … Read more

Select any company and using the company you have chosen for analysis conduct research to determine how price elastic or inelastic is it?

Description Purpose It is important to understand the elasticity of one’s good or service so that decisions can be made as to pricing as well as production. Price elasticity helps with pricing decisions and income elasticity let’s one know if the product is a normal or inferior good. In this assignment you will use the … Read more

Ammianus Marcellinus: to what extent does Ammianus see the emperor’s character influencing the fortunes of the Empire?

Ammianus Marcellinus Read the entire text and answer the questions below. Give sub-headings in your paper so that I know which question you are answering in that section. Your paper must be five pages (5) in length, 1.5 spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font. You do not need to use outside sources, but if … Read more

In 100-200 words, explain how  COVID 19impact the globe’s carbon emissions. 

Description Do an internet search and research how COVID 19 will impact the globe’s carbon emissions.                    In 100-200 words, explain how  COVID 19 impact the globe’s carbon emissions. What are the impacts scientists believe COVID 19 will have? Do scientists all agree on the impacts that … Read more