Computer Interaction and Design: Create a hierarchy of five of the most important topics that you feel need to be addressed in this one-day course that best fits the course title of “Computer Interaction and Design.

Computer Interaction and Design. You have just completed ten weeks of a computer and interaction design course. Imagine you have been asked to create a one-day training course highlighting the important elements of what you have just learned in the past ten weeks. Create a hierarchy of five of the most important topics that you … Read more

Visualization of geographic and time series data: create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.

Visualization of Geographic and Time Series Data Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective. Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective. Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations. Apply a custom metric in a visualization.

Doctrine of salvation: what do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process?

Doctrine of salvation Doctrine of salvation, the NT places emphasis upon the need to make Christ known. •What do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process? •What kinds of opportunities might you have through your gifts, interests, and (anticipated) vocation to make Christ known? What role do you hope to … Read more

What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands?

CAN HYDROGEN BE THE SOLUTION TO THE WORLDS GROWING ENERGY DEMAND? What is the feasibility of using hydrogen energy instead of fossil fuel to meet the rising global demands? • What is the potential of biohydrogen as a source of energy? • What is the near future perspective of hydrogen energy? • Is hydrogen fuel … Read more

Touch Screen Devices: identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource.

Touch Screen Devices Respond to the following: Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets. •Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems. •Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource.

EFF Case Study Information: what are the information systems security implications of consumer information being shared?

EFF Case Study Information The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T on January 31, 2006, accusing the telecom giant of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA) in its massive, illegal program to wiretap and data-mine Americans’ communications. In May 2006, … Read more

Shaft Design: calculate the smallest safe shaft diameter for the shaft 1 and 2. Provide a free body diagram and all necessary bending moments and torque diagrams.

Shaft Design Figure 1 shows a simple gear box with various machine elements and components. Shaft No. 2 is rotating through gears by shaft No. 1 which is rotating through two pulleys by an electric motor. The transmission shaft No. 1 stands on two bearings and the rotational speed is transfer by the belt. The … Read more