Select a 3-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona or other state standard based on the Number and Operations-Fractions domain.Compose an aligning learning objective and design appropriate activities for a selected group of 3-4 students, of varying academic levels, from the “Class Profile.”

Differentiating Math Activities. Select a 3-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona or other state standard based on the Number and Operations-Fractions domain.Compose an aligning learning objective and design appropriate activities for a selected group of 3-4 students, of varying academic levels, from the “Class Profile.”

Demonstrate ethical decision-making, behavior, and commitment to equity.

Portfolio Presentation Apply research and theory to educational planning in support of equitable outcomes for students, staff, and the school community. Design effective learning and assessment activities for a diverse audience. Advocate for all learners through effective communication, community engagement, and ongoing collaboration. Utilize data to inform decision-making and address barriers to student success. Demonstrate … Read more

Choose one category of exceptionality or one aspect/type within a category then conduct a comprehensive search of the topic and state the implications for having a child with this exceptionality .

Exceptionality Choose one category of exceptionality or one aspect/type within a category then conduct a comprehensive search of the topic and state the implications for having a child with this exceptionality .

How does the classroom teacher differentiate for the individual needs of the students.

Field Report How does the classroom teacher differentiate for the individual needs of the students. What do you notice about how instruction is modified or adapted for individuals who need additional support or enrichment? Are there other staff in the classroom who help students? Are students grouped for part of the instruction? Are assignments modified? … Read more

Write a 3-5 page narrative describing your philosophy of education: How would you define your role as a professor educator, school counselor, or administrator?

Philosophy of Education Write a 3-5 page narrative describing your philosophy of education: How would you define your role as a professor educator, school counselor, or administrator? This paper is a statement about what you believe about education. Include what you think is important. Some questions to address are: What are your beliefs and/or theories … Read more

Make a convincing argument that sufficient collaboration time can be consistently available to teachers without impinging on their classroom time or other responsibilities.

Research paper. Write 1,750-2,000 word paper. Research indicates the most effective and productive configuration for collaborative work is extended blocks of time scheduled within the school day. However, teachers do not like to take time away from their classrooms or other responsibilities. This seems to create a scheduling issue and obstacle to collaboration. In your … Read more

How does the classroom teacher differentiate for the individual needs of the students.

Needs of the students. How does the classroom teacher differentiate for the individual needs of the students. What do you notice about how instruction is modified or adapted for individuals who need additional support or enrichment? Are there other staff in the classroom who help students? Are students grouped for part of the instruction? Are … Read more

Compose a 250-500 word summary, rationalizing how your instructional decisions help your group students to flourish in the classroom, as opposed to just survive.Address how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Oral Language Development or Phonemic Awareness Lesson Plan Using the “Class Profile,” identify a group of 3-4 elementary students who would benefit from an oral language development or phonemic awareness lesson. Determine a K-2 grade level for your group of fictional students, select an ELA standard from your state related to Oral Language Development or … Read more

Based on your readings and research on typical language development, identify a minimum of three typical speech and language milestones from birth to age 5, using the “Language Milestone Timeline Chart.

Language Milestone Timeline Language development is a critical component of students’ academic and social growth. Special educators are often challenged with the responsibility of analyzing language and speech disorders and their implications for learning to appropriately respond to the needs of students with disabilities. Based on your readings and research on typical language development, identify … Read more

Write a paper that contains a summary of information about the disability you chose that would be useful for a teacher to know.

Finding Teaching Resources Go to the website Hover over “Resources”; then click IRIS Resource Locator. Under “topic,” click Disability. You will see several choices – modules, activities, information briefs, interviews, video vignettes. Explore those for a few minutes to see what is available. Then pick a topic of your choice under the “information briefs” … Read more