Research Topic and Problem: State and explain factors that could interfere with the ability to complete this observation? why? what steps can you take to mitigate these factors?

Part I: Research Topic and Problem Identify a research topic related to your degree program that would be best approached from a qualitative perspective. Identify a research problem related to your research topic. Explain why your selected topic and problem would be best approached from a qualitative perspective. Qualitative research involves the sampling of a … Read more

Sampling Applications-Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields.

Sampling Applications [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] [CLO: 1]. This video discusses sampling in the context of how estimates of population parameters are obtained. It refers to the What Is an Average? (Links to an external site. video, where they obtained an “ Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields. Provide a … Read more

Discuss the further analysis method, show all the relevant details, interpret and discuss the results, put the results into the context of your overall analysis.

Calculating regression equation and correlation coefficient. Discussing the regression equation. Making appropriate comments about the regression and correlation results. Testing the equation and discussing the validity of the regression equation. Discuss the further analysis method, show all the relevant details, interpret and discuss the results, put the results into the context of your overall analysis.

What is the difference between failing to reject the null hypothesis and having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis?”

The prompt question is, “What is the difference between failing to reject the null hypothesis and having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis?” To answer this question be sure to: 1. Define the null hypothesis (what is the definition?). 2. Explain what failing to reject the null hypothesis means. (Explain the mistake (type 1 or … Read more