Statistical Sociology: Demonstrate application of the skills learned throughout the semester to a social science research topic of interest to you.

Statistical Sociology Demonstrate application of the skills learned throughout the semester to a social science research topic of interest to you. FORMAT: Should be 4-5 double-spaced pages in length, with page numbers clearly labelled. Include the following sections: Research Topic and Research Question Justification of Research Question Literature Review Conceptualization Operationalization Sampling Plan Citation List

Write a report for an organization that wants to produce guidelines for growing conservation field margins to provide resources for seed-eating birds.

This exercise aims to assess your ability to apply statistical tests covered in the course appropriately, to interpret the results of these tests and to present these results effectively. Write a report for an organization that wants to produce guidelines for growing conservation field margins to provide resources for seed-eating birds.

Statistics Project: prepare project in the form of statistical project for real or imaginary project of a certain organization selected by the group.

Statistics Project Select an organization and prepare their project in the form of statistical project for real or imaginary project of the  organization selected. 1. Identify the statistical concepts and their applications in the fields of business and economics. 2. Apply appropriate statistical software to solve business problems. 3. Develop skills to implement statistical models … Read more

Probability: find the probability that a randomly selected student in  class reads at least one of them.

Probability Suppose assigned WSJ and NYT as reading references. Now suppose 60% of students read the WSJ, 50% read the NYT and 30% read both. •Find the probability that a randomly selected student in  class reads at least one of them. •Find the probability that a randomly selected student in my class does not read … Read more

Health Policy Data: use historical medicare data to analyze and explain trends in the costs of inpatient hospitalizations over time.

Health Policy Data One of the foremost concerns in health care policy today is the rising costs of care. Acumen works on several projects that aim to develop and evaluate payment policy reforms with the ultimate goal of lowering health care costs. Use historical Medicare data to analyze and explain trends in the costs of … Read more

HW 1:How are descriptive and inferential statistics related to each other?what do inferential statistics involve that descriptive statistics do not?

HW 1 Instructions: For all  questions (i.e., those requiring so),  write at least three complete sentences in your answer (can also write more). How are descriptive and inferential statistics related to each other? What do inferential statistics involve that descriptive statistics do not? How does a sample relate to a population? Under what conditions would … Read more

Individual Data Collection and Analysis : describe the process (about 1 page) you and/or your group used to collect your data to answer your research question, paying particular attention to the process you used to collect the data, the measures/instruments used to collect the data, and the population about which the data were collected.

Individual Data Collection and Analysis Individual task is to submit a 2-3 page, double-spaced typed summary of a sample of data collection and analysis. You can work together as a group to collect your data, but each individual is responsible for their own summary of the data collection process and analysis. . Then, each person … Read more