Develop a staffing model for your ideal fitness center to present to a group of executives.

Staffing model Develop a staffing model for your ideal fitness center to present to a group of executives. Include number of employees, pay rates, positions, work hours, and schedule coverage. How much money do you need to bring in monthly in order to break even? Your presentation should be about 12–15 slides (15 minutes) long.

Develop a staffing model for your ideal fitness center to present to a group of executives.

Staffing model Develop a staffing model for your ideal fitness center to present to a group of executives. Include number of employees, pay rates, positions, work hours, and schedule coverage. How much money do you need to bring in monthly in order to break even? Your presentation should be about 12–15 slides (15 minutes) long.

Based on your reading , discuss a situation where you believe that a student-athlete or the parents of a student-athlete deserved due process. Then describe a different situation where due process may not be required.

Sport Based on your reading , discuss a situation where you believe that a student-athlete or the parents of a student-athlete deserved due process. Then describe a different situation where due process may not be required.

Develop an instructional program to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program.

Instructional program. Develop an instructional program to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Also, present a tool to evaluate the program . Your presentation should be about 10–12 slides (10 minutes).

Write a 3,500 word report outlining medium term plan for one of the following sport types, for participants at the intermediate stage of development.

Medium term plan Write a 3,500 word report outlining medium term plan for one of thefollowing sport types, for participants at the intermediate stage of development. (9-11, or 12-14 years of age) Gymnastics Athletic Invasion Over the net and wall Striking and fielding What are the main performance problems for the age and stage of … Read more

Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Present a tool to evaluate the program.

Instructional program You work for the town recreation department and need to develop an instructional program of interest to you to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Present a tool to evaluate the program. Your presentation should be … Read more

Discuss business data that supports a decision to undertake this marketing plan.

Target Market Analysis and the Industry and Organization Factor Analysis sections. A. Explain the current and future trend of the market with respect to the chosen product or service. B. Describe the target customers for your product or service. C. Justify the market research methods that you will use to retrieve information about the target … Read more

What are the positive and negative aspects of sport and national identity?

Financial, social, political and/or cultural environment in which sport operates Prepare a 3,000-word essay answering the following question with reference to the financial, social, political and/or cultural environment in which sport operates: What are the positive and negative aspects of sport and national identity? The essay has a MAXIMUM word count of 3000 words. Marks … Read more