Problem-Solving Model and Theoretical Orientation : Describe one merit and one limitation of using the problem-solving model for this case.

Problem-Solving Model and Theoretical Orientation The problem-solving model was first laid out by Helen Perlman. Her seminal 1957 book, Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process, described the problem-solving model and the 4Ps. Since then, other scholars and practitioners have expanded the problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy. At the heart of problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy is … Read more

Identify professional use of self with this population through identifying your strengths and needs in working with colleagues, clients, organizations, and communities that address and advance social and economic justice issues.

Systems Analysis. Analyze and assess at-risk populations within their communities. Develop the Model Program Presentation, due in Unit 10, which analyzes, addresses, and applies specific interventions and evaluations to address an at-risk populations’ needs. Analyze and assess an at-risk population within your community, such as homeless people, patients of mental health resources, survivors of domestic … Read more

Privacy and virtual therapy during COVID 19 Create a 2-page fact sheet on a current legal issue impacting social work practice.

Privacy and virtual therapy during COVID 19 Create a 2-page fact sheet on a current legal issue impacting social work practice. The fact sheet should include: a) A description of the law, administrative rule or the legal issue. b) The impact the law/administrative rule or legal issue has on clients and/or social work practice. c) … Read more

Advocacy and Leadership : relate the issue directly to social work practice. In what ways does this issue affect the lives of clients and communities.

Advocacy and Leadership  1. Identify a social justice issue that is encountered by social work professionals and/or the clients served by social work professionals. Examine the role of oppression (through exploitation,marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and/or violence) and the identified issue/problem. 2. Provide basic background/context information about tnis Ssue-1e. course, onset, severity, changes, population(s)impacted, etc. Utilize … Read more

Discuss the empirical evidence that supports the use of EBPs when working with individuals within mental health and healthcare settings.

Discuss the empirical evidence that supports the use of EBPs when working with individuals within mental health and healthcare setting . Submitted in 3 phases .Papers should be between 8-10 pages long and must follow APA 7th edition. Title page and reference page are not included in the page count.    

Community Economic Development (CED): evaluate the process of identifying evidence to date and outline how you propose to provide further evidence during the rest of the placement

Community Economic Development (CED) 1)Provide an analysis of how you meet the domains of the PCF in the context of the agency in which you are placed. You can either write about each domain but given the word count, you might find it easier to write about each of the three super domains: Questions to … Read more

Community Economic Development (CED): evaluate and communicate the principles of the social work professional capability framework in the context of the specific placement agency.

Community Economic Development (CED) Evaluate and communicate the principles of the social work professional capability framework in the context of the specific placement agency. Integrate practical skills with knowledge of social work theory, methods and legislation.  

Critically reflect on your own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for social work practice

Critically reflect on your own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for social work practice Demonstrate the diverse communities in Britain and effective social wprl practice with individiuals from these communities Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by migration in relation to social work in the UK. Understand and analyse a range … Read more

Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others?

Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others? What type of societal concerns interest you in the social work profession? Discuss your career goals and desired department within the school ( AMHW). Include why the … Read more

Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others?

Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others? What type of societal concerns interest you in the social work profession? Discuss your career goals and desired department within the school ( AMHW). Include why the … Read more