Analyze risk factors associated with the contemporary influences you have chosen.

Explore the contemporary influences on adolescent sexual decision making. SEXUAL DECISION MAKING Adolescent sexual decision making is a very complex phenomenon. It is a time when individuals may become interested in more intimate relationships and experimentation. During this stage, adolescents may contemplate whether to engage in intercourse or abstain from sexual relations. Many factors may … Read more

Explain the use of critical thinking skills in the examination of beliefs, assumptions and generalizations when conducting social work research.

Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis. Purpose: students will be required to submit their research proposal as a final product of this course. Through this assignment, student will demonstrate that they will be able to: Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis. … Read more

How is urban life expressed through food, music, car culture, clothing, art, performance, architecture, or another form of cultural expression?

How do people use and relate to public space in xyz neighborhood LA ETHNOGRAPHY PROJECT BACKGROUND Los Angeles is a fascinating city that is hard to define.  Some theorists think LA is hard to define because it does not seem to have a clear center like “The Loop” in Chicago, ‘downtown’ in New York City … Read more

Discuss which contemporary service model you believe to be the most appropriate for the above case scenario.

Explain the Gestalt Therapy methods. Module 04 Content Part 1: Read Consider the following case scenario:Brent, a 50 year old married male is having anxiety about his young adult daughter Rachel, who in the past year has graduated from high school and is now freshman at a large university. Brent is worried that his daughter … Read more

What did you find most disturbing, explain in detail

Discuss your thoughts, in detail, on the AUC and Campus Sexual Assault Video 2 Beginning of Template Name:Class Name:Date:Campus Sexual Assault All questions are to be answered in detail and depth, follow this template exactly for content and style! Discuss your thoughts, in detail, on the Campus Sexual Assault Documentary What did you find most … Read more

Provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

Apply their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels MSW 501 WEEK 16 Discussion Respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives: Apply and communicate understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro, … Read more

Compare and contrast your initial posting with those of your peers.

MSW521 WEEK 15 Discussion Instructions It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must … Read more

Identify which theory was utilized to treat this issue. Then, discuss if the treatment was effective or ineffective in helping the couple work through the issue. Explain whether or not you believe there is some other intervention that would be beneficial for this situation.

Treating External Factors. Social Work Practice With Couples and Family Systems An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. —Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American Politician Couples are impacted by many external factors that may negatively affect their system. Couples are impacted by common life stage transitions (e.g., children introduced to the system by birth … Read more

Research bullying in the United States.Clearly explain the incident that took place,issues involved and stress impact on children and family. 4. At least one scientific based intervention that has been used to help children and families and the results.

Bullying Over the past 10 years, there have been incidences and situations which have negatively affected large numbers of the population in the United States. Research bullying in the United States. Clearly explain: 1. The incident that took place. 2. The issues involved. 3. The stress impact on children and family. 4. At least one … Read more

Write a 3000 word essay providing critical analysis on the learning derived from the course to date and relate this to prospective application for SWE registration.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYABILITY Task: Write a 3000 word essay providing critical analysis on the learning derived from the course to date and relate this to prospective application for SWE registration. The learning outcomes for the essay are: Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 1.    Articulate knowledge of the interrelatedness of relevant professional standards … Read more