Discuss the threat actors, threat warning, and what makes cyber intelligence different from traditional intelligence disciplines.

Cyber Intelligence in Support of Homeland Security. Discuss the threat actors, threat warning, and what makes cyber intelligence different from traditional intelligence disciplines. Other options to consider are the legalities and oversight of cyber intelligence. Requirements: The paper should be between 8-10 double-spaced pages using 12-point font, not including the cover page, introduction, and references. … Read more

Self Assessment: describe what you did on placement and analyse what you have learned about yourself. include references to the theory.

Description Self Assessment is self reflection of your own professional practice including how you have been challenge and change through the placement and how you will approach your future practice. Describe what you did on your placement and analyse what you have learned about yourself. Include references to the theory.    Words 750

Use theoretical frameworks to critically discuss how this can impact on a young person’s identity and the implications for practice when working with young people.

Explores how young people have been constructed within your chosen source. Use theoretical frameworks to critically discuss how this can impact on a young person’s identity and the implications for practice when working with young people.

Write an abstract of no more than 150 words, describing your research problem and research purpose.

A Spatial View of Planning and Policy Approaches to Support Economic Development in Marginalized Townships. Develop a data collection strategy for your research. Write an abstract of no more than 150 words, describing your research problem and research purpose. Develop your own research question or research aim and formulate no more than four research sub-questions … Read more

What does it mean to observe the everyday during a period of mass social distancing?

Observation and the Everyday: How the experience of lock-down has affected our perceptions on outside interactions and home life? What does it mean to observe the everyday during a period of mass social distancing? In what ways can observing the everyday become the basis to make knowledge claims about the world we live in? What … Read more

Prepare and submit a research proposal informed by an area of interest or research question that would inform social work practice.

Approaches to Health and Social Care Research. Prepare and submit a research proposal informed by an area of interest or research question that would inform social work practice. The research proposal will include a proposal for primary research and be written in such a way that it could be carried out by a student social … Read more