Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group.

Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group. Explain the purpose of your placement setting, identifying its social policy and legislative context and evaluating its effectiveness. Discuss how you gained an understanding … Read more

Social work: discuss the effects of bame children with mental health in the youth justice system?

Social work Discuss the effects of bame children with mental health in the youth justice system? Demonstrate research writing abilities, reporting on literature and findings to produce a coherent and structured piece of work. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of planning and managing a critical literature review. Demonstrate links between research design, implementation and … Read more

E-portfolio and SWOT analysis: demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feed forward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work.

E-portfolio and SWOT analysis. Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feed forward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work. Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management. Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance … Read more

Write an essay about the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker ?

Write an essay about the case study below show your ideas about the following: Reflection on your own experience and practice, and how this would inform your work with the family in the case study. The integration of any knowledge or theory that was, or could have been, used to inform practice. Your understanding of … Read more

Western Civilization: who was Rome’s greatest Emperor and why? who was Rome’s worst Emperor and why?

Western Civilization In the Struggle of the Orders, choose a side and make a speech to the Senate arguing for your position Who was Rome’s greatest Emperor and why? Who was Rome’s worst Emperor and why? Discuss an example of how and why the Roman Empire adopted and adapted something from a foreign culture whom … Read more

Explain how ICT-social innovation has positive effects on agriculture.

Explain how ICT-social innovation has positive effects on agriculture. It needs to contain a paragraph with background information,statement and essay outline. Also 3 points (main point and supportive points for each), a counter-argument and a rebuttal (of the counter-argument) with a main point and supporting points. In additional materials is the template of what I … Read more