Reflection : What was the purpose and focus of your contact/intervention at this point?

Reflection What happened, where and when; who was involved? Emma is a young girl who has complex health needs. She was born prematurely and has been diagnosed with a kidney failure. She isn’t allowed to have anything orally as it causes her to aspirate; meaning anything she eats enters into her lungs and can be … Read more

Critically analyse key themes and policy developments in relation to social work practice.

Policy Context of Social Work Practice 1. Critically analyze key themes and policy developments in relation to social work practice. 2. Critically evaluate the relevance and application of research and policy to social work practice. 3. Critically analyze comparative approaches to service provision in one other country. 4. Evaluate research findings in relation to policy … Read more

Compare and discuss relevant self-care aspects for a social worker.

Self-care Compare and discuss relevant self-care aspects for a social worker. Discuss up to three self-care aspects. Demonstrate commitment to developing your professional social work identity, showing responsiveness to feedback and guidance.​ Evaluate their interpersonal and communication skills with individuals in a variety of situations.​ Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of criticality, reflection and analysis to … Read more

What are the policy implications of the theory and is this theory relevant in society currently?

Social Disorganization Theory and General Strain Theory. Who are the theorist(s) who founded the theory or research? What are the primary tenants or elements of the theory? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory? What are the policy implications of the theory and is this theory relevant in society currently?  

What is the anticipated content of the group sessions? This should provide enough detail for the reader to have a clear sense of the content areas likely to be covered during the life of the group.

Social Group Program Proposal Scenario: You work in a community health service as a counsellor and advocate. Due to the demographics of the area, a large proportion of clients are older adults who access the service for support with medications and long-term medical conditions. Nurses in the centre report that many older clients seem isolated … Read more

Social work : How has the current situation of Covid19 impacted on social work and how might this be managed in the future.

Social work • How has the current situation of Covid19 impacted on social work and how might this be managed in the future. • What is the impact of Covid on your individual cases that you have been allocated? • What do you think has changed for service users/families as restrictions are lifted?  

Develop a program related to enhancing your agency’s emergency services that will address services during the Covid 19 pandemic that will address the agency’s ability to identify and serve those who are not visible and have lost access to shelters, schools, services due to the impact of the virus.

Signature Assignment The Signature Assignment for this course is a 5-8-page essay narrative academic paper (excluding title page and references) using the following required 5-7 academic sources from the Touro library: 2: Peer reviewed journal articles 2: Credible popular sources (newspapers/credible magazines) 1-2: CREDIBLE internet sources. For the topic of your signature assignment, choose one … Read more

When government leaders commit war crimes and other atrocities against their people, why are they often not brought to justice at an international court?

Gender, Education, & Career Choice When government leaders commit war crimes and other atrocities against their people, why are they often not brought to justice at an international court? What are some of the problems with giving foreign aid to other countries? What was Apartheid in South Africa, and how did it last so long?

Write a critical, argumentative article on on domestic abuse and rehousing from a Social Worker point of view.

Domestic Abuse/Homelessness-Social Work – Social housing Write a critical, argumentative article on on domestic abuse and rehousing from a Social Worker point of view. Only use UK based references Try to use references from 2007 onwards, no older Use Domestic Abuse and Social Housing related journals, book Do not use NEWSPAPER ARTICLES, MAGAZINES, WEBSITES AS … Read more

Global Public Health :Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding : Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors.

Global Public Health 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors. 2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities effectively make interpretations about trends in global public health issues from reliable sources of … Read more