What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts to gain ownership of the issue at hand?

How do insider claimsmakers operate? First, read chapter 4 of Joel Best’s Social Problems and then watch the attached video. Then answer the following questions: •How are environmental and economic problems shaped by insider claimsmakers? •What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts … Read more

Why is Sen critical about targeting? Give your own suggestions about “modifying” and/or “re-interpreting” Sen’s capability approach in order to overcome weaknesses of this approach.

The Political Economy of Targeting. Read carefully Amartya Sen’s writing on “The Political Economy of Targeting” (https://socialprotection.gov.bd/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Amartya-Sen-on-Targeting.pdf) . Why is Sen critical about targeting? Give your own suggestions about “modifying” and/or “re-interpreting” Sen’s capability approach in order to overcome weaknesses of this approach. Structure your answers within 4 page PDF file as attachment. Times New … Read more

What potential barriers can you identify that may impede client’s progress?What community resources can you access to assist the client?

Case 3: Susanna Susanna is a 24-year-old Caucasian female. She’s coming to see you because she reports having anxiety attacks that do not allow her to eat, a lack of sleep, consistently crying at work as well as home. She is one of three children. She is the eldest of the three 24, 22, and … Read more

Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal: Select an issue or topic in technology to analyze through the four general education lenses, as well as its relationship to culture and society.

Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal. •Select an issue or topic in technology to analyze through the four general education lenses, as well as its relationship to culture and society. •Building your references list, required you to support your responses with at least two sources for each lens from the assigned course resources and or … Read more

Provide a 1-page written assignment about India’s so-called “Untouchables” or Dalit people.

•Provide a 1-page written assignment about India’s so-called “Untouchables” or Dalit people. •Read the article called “Dalit People in India”. Write a one-page (3-paragraph summary and reaction paper. •This assignment relates to the topic of Social Stratification. Societies all have a system of differential status and privledge. •Historically, South Asian societies had a very structured … Read more

The Rich, The Poor and The Trash: Identify what you feel are the most important points/information this documentary is providing. Identify at least three points clearly and directly from the documentary.

The Rich, The Poor and The Trash Watch the following short documentary entitled “The Rich, The Poor and The Trash”. Please answer the following questions: 1) Identify what you feel are the most important points/information this documentary is providing. Identify at least three points clearly and directly from the documentary. 2) Environmental issues have become … Read more

Is Our Society Colorblind?Write a five-page paper analyzing several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes.

Is Our Society Colorblind? •Write a five-page paper analyzing several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes. •Compare and contrast media outlets and their patterns of representation, applying course terms and theories. •Incorporate the core value of community emphasized in the course •Formatted using the ASA style.