Explain to Mott what humanity is at its very core. What values do we share when we get past the issues that aim to divide us?

Reflections Welcome to the year 2332 where America’s space exploration has paid off in the discovery of a strange new world run by an artificial intelligence agent named Mott whose only power source is set to expire in 90 days. Your mission is to persuade Mott not to power up a replacement but to instead … Read more

Criticize radical feminism and PC mainly focusing on the negative impact of radical feminism in modern society, the conflict, and the backlash phenomenon.

Distorted Feminism and Family Dissolution. Criticize radical feminism and PC mainly focusing on the negative impact of radical feminism in modern society, the conflict, and the backlash phenomenon. The main idea needs to contain: 1. The cases of aversion beyond criticism of masculinity from women 1. The backlash phenomenon of young men against feminism 2. … Read more

Social Research Methods Unit : Discuss the impact of austerity measures on prisons in England and Wales.

Social Research Methods Unit Discuss the impact of austerity measures on prisons in England and Wales. Produce an annotated bibliography based on FIVE robust sources conveying findings from empirical research studies. Your annotations should briefly explain and evaluate the key findings of each source in around 150-200 words, showing that you can critically assess the … Read more

Oxford Economics How does the information you learned connect to your own view of the US economy and job market? In other words, will any of this affect you?

Oxford Economics After reading the materials for this week, describe some of the advice Oxford Economics is giving their clients in preparation for the “rise of the robots”. Materials for this week Report – How Robots Change the World The Rise of the Robot Reporter – The New York Times 1- How does the information … Read more

Judith Lorber : How is gender constructed (according to JL)?Why does society maintain the construction of gender differences (according to JL)?

Review Questions: Make sure to provide at least 1 paragraph for each question. Judith Lorber 1- How is gender constructed (according to JL)? 2- Why does society maintain the construction of gender differences (according to JL)? Kate Bornstein 3- To many of us, it is important that we are able to identify the sex of … Read more

Write a 250-500 word reflection on the process of creating a literature unit and explaining how you plan to use research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning to improve student learning in your future professional practice.

Literature unit Write a 250-500 word reflection on the process of creating a literature unit and explaining how you plan to use research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning to improve student learning in your future professional practice. Cite the “COE Professional Dispositions of Learners,” and the “Model Code of Ethics … Read more

Infography : Produce an infographic, or visual representation of information.

Infography Produce an infographic, or visual representation of information. The infographic representation will lay the groundwork for the formal policy report. The infographic should include the following information: (1) A description of a political, legal, social, or economic policy problem facing Indigenous peoples in Canada. (2) At least 2 key policy developments in the chosen … Read more

Prepare a position paper on a controversial issue in the news. Explain how the controversial issue has been impacted by the advancement of technology in the media.

Impact of Media and Technology on Society. Prepare a position paper on a controversial issue in the news. Explain how the controversial issue has been impacted by the advancement of technology in the media. Select one of the topics addressed in this class: Race in the media, body image, treatment of women in the workplace … Read more