Observe and discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this client/character, and then share how you would engage, assess, and formulate an initial treatment plan for the client based on an evidence-based practice.

Social Work Practicum Step 1: This assignment will focus on the initial stages of the Generalist Intervention Model- engagement, interviewing, and initial assessment. Choose a film or episode from the Show List to use for this assignment. You may not choose a film or show that is not on this list. Show List: ● Good … Read more

Write a (minimum) four page paper that describes important dimensions of racial and ethnic inequality in the United States. Out academic sources required. APA format required. Remember to include a title page, reference page and cite your sources.

  Write a minimum four page paper that describes important dimensions of Write a (minimum) four page paper that describes important dimensions of racial and ethnic inequality in the United States. Out academic sources required. APA format required. Remember to include a title page, reference page and cite your sources.in the United States. Out academic … Read more

Create a policy brief on a pending bill or policy reauthorization that articulates your position on the legislation and then distribute that brief to state or federal lawmakers.

Policy Brief Create a policy brief on a pending bill or policy reauthorization that articulates your position on the legislation and then distribute that brief to state or federal lawmakers.

What are the structures of your society related to power, inequality, and marginalization? On what basis are these structures rationalized by members of society? What social behaviors, values, or assumptions hold such structures in place?

“The world” What are the structures of your society related to power, inequality, and marginalization? On what basis are these structures rationalized by members of society? What social behaviors, values, or assumptions hold such structures in place? What is your location in relation to each of these structures? What do you know about how people … Read more

Address your understanding of how your values and beliefs reflect social location, power and privilege, and experiences of social inclusion/exclusion.

Values and beliefs. Address your understanding of how your values and beliefs reflect social location, power and privilege, and experiences of social inclusion/exclusion. Without writing a detailed autobiography, think about how do you know who you are? How do the key messages about class, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation get delivered? Reflect upon the degree … Read more

Write a post explaining how the reading by Hinshaw helped you understand how stigma affects the help-seeking behavior of African American males who have mental disorders.

Mental disorders Listen to the podcast https://www.npr.org/2012/08/20/159376802/behind-mental-health-stigmas-in-black-communities. Write a post explaining how the reading by Hinshaw helped you understand how stigma affects the help-seeking behavior of African American males who have mental disorders.

Using your chosen group LGBTQ address three social issues or challenges your chosen group faces.

LGBTQ Community Using your chosen group LGBTQ address the following: • Three social issues or challenges your chosen group faces. • Two current advocacy organizations that focus on your chosen group. You should identify and describe the organization along with examples of the work they do. • Three strategies you would use to work with … Read more

In your opinion, what are the possible negative effects of working part-time because of appearance problems?

Studying factors influencing the decision to work part-time of students. In your opinion, which part-time job is most suitable for students? How do you balance your work and school schedule? In your opinion, what are the possible negative effects of working part-time because of appearance problems?

Watch the video Wealth Inequality in America. Describe your initial reaction to the concepts in this video.

Wealth Inequality in America Watch the video Wealth Inequality in America. Then read the article “Income Inequality in America: Understanding Wealth Inequality, Its Causes, and Solutions” . Finally, answer the following questions in complete sentences. You will need to support your answers with at least one scholarly source. Your responses will be graded using the … Read more