Addiction, Substance Abuse, and the current Opioid crisis-Given the gravity of the current opioid crisis in America, no matter where you choose to work, statistically – you will be confronted with this population of patients.

Addiction, Substance Abuse, and the current Opioid crisis Given the gravity of the current opioid crisis in America, no matter where you choose to work, statistically – you will be confronted with this population of patients. How are you going to advocate for these patients while putting aside your own personal beliefs? And any other … Read more

Demonstrate how your thinking is changing as a researcher/practitioner by synthesizing salient points of the different readings and films.

Unit Reports are your opportunity to digest and articulate what you have learned from each unit. Demonstrate how your thinking is changing as a researcher/practitioner by synthesizing salient points of the different readings and films. Your UR should cover specifically the material in Unit 2: Institutions and Us and offer new, original insights. You can … Read more

Explain the “economic empathy” among parents and children and how a “communal family obligation code” helps to resolve a “dissonant acculturation.

The primary intention of a book review is to provide an analysis of the content, themes, and relevance of the book you chose to read. Besides providing a synopsis, you should explain how this book helped you to understand the complexities of family relations when children become economic contributors. I Explain the overall theme in … Read more

Discuss the tasks involved in Engagement, Assessment, and Planning during the Beginning stage of group intervention.

Group Development Paper Purpose: The purpose of the Group Development paper is to provide you with hands-on experience in forming and conducting a hypothetical treatment group. As you develop this group and work actively in your groups, you will also gain leadership skills and knowledge on collaborating with your group members. Course Learning Objectives:2. Demonstrate … Read more

Demonstrate knowledge about diversity competent practice and cultural humility with a diverse, disadvantaged and/or oppressed population.

Demonstrate knowledge about diversity competent practice and cultural humility with a diverse, disadvantaged and/or oppressed population. The main areas that will be covered in this paper include:  Describe the mechanisms in American society that cause or reinforce discrimination and/or oppression (past and present) of this population. Describe attitudes and stereotypes (current and historical) of the … Read more