Using at least two (2) narratives (choose from the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, Hester Street, Farewell to Manzanar and Miss Navajo) , compare and contrast how each of the authors or subjects you selected respond to challenges and changes to his/her respective cultural identity.

Read several accounts that revealed how cultural identity is socially constructed. It develops in response to social and historical forces and intersects with other ethnic and racial identities, social class, and gender. Using at least two (2) narratives (choose from the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, Hester Street, Farewell to Manzanar and Miss Navajo) , … Read more

Discuss the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating those with a gambling addiction. why is this important to the field of social work?

Discuss the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating those with a gambling addiction. Why is this important to the field of social work? Must have title and reference page and be written in APA format. Must have 10 references with dates ranging from 2010-2021.

Discuss the differences that readings and class material make in social work,use appropriate examples from field placement and life experience .

Reflect on below article: file:///C:/Users/redbo/Downloads/Article%203%20Why%20Macro%20Practice%20Matters%20PDF.pdf For each selected article/video, students are to submit a journal entry, which consists of your ongoing reactions to readings and your own personal and professional experiences both past and present. The purpose of the journal assignment is to help you continue to develop your critical thinking skills that work toward … Read more

Critically analyze a complex racial problem and give an overview of the problem. explain why the problem is significant and important.

Critically analyze a complex racial problem and give an overview of the problem. Explain why the problem is significant and important. Propose a solution to the social problem. Give a counterargument about how to solve the problem. Most complex social problems have more than one side and more than one perspective. Give the other sides … Read more

Discuss how do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?

1. What sort of cultural or social forces impact how we think and behave? 2. Describe an example of a behavior that is impacted by socialization and cultural influences. 3. Discuss how do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?

Pandemic Paradigms: discuss the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus

Pandemic Paradigms For this project you will be applying and discussing the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus. As you will see, the three major sociological paradigms offer much to understanding different aspects of any “natural disaster”. Identifying and using these three major sociological theories :structural functionalism, … Read more

 Considering Justice, is it just for the wealthy and affluent to bear responsibility for the relief of poverty and inequality in the world?

 Considering Justice, is it just for the wealthy and affluent to bear responsibility for the relief of poverty and inequality in the world? Use your knowledge of both Rawl’s Difference Principle and Nozick’s Libertarian Theory of Entitlement to make your argument. Use your knowledge of the readings, your experiences and your ethical reasoning. Make sure … Read more