What topic, problem, or issue are you interested in?

Research Topic Proposal Research Question Worksheet 1.  What topic, problem, or issue are you interested in? Do some background research to find out more about it. 2.  What specific part of the topic are you interested in? Break down topic ideas to categories. 3.  List a few possible questions about your specific topic area. What? … Read more

What role did physicians play in the messaging?

Diss of becon It’s doesn’t take long watch TV to see that many fast food restaurants attempt to lure viewers with bacon. Bacon wasn’t always so popular, and the health concerns weren’t the same as they are now. So what fueled the rise of bacon? Watch the brief video below: http://wapo.st/28YGwWk Use the below questions … Read more

Where should we (researchers/educators) go from here in terms of addressing this topic?

EDTD 6381 Module 5 – Annotated Bibliography Purpose: An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project. An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source. Audience: This assignment should … Read more

Discuss future directions of this topic based on current research-Where would you like to see this research go next?

How would you like to see this expanded. (Populations, settings, etc). 1-2 pages For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review of a specific mindfulness treatment (e.g., MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-C, ACT, DBT) and a health outcome. This health outcome is up to you. It can be a physical diagnosis, mental health diagnosis, or something … Read more

Select ONE of the stations aboard the R/V Weatherbird II and write a summary  about the tools and equipment that are used at that station.

Virtual Tour of Weather bird II Watch this field trip as we board USF’s R/V Weather-bird II. We will explore the many compartments on the vessel including the captain’s cabin.  (http://usfweb.usf.edu/courseresources/ms/oce2001/videos/weatherbird/index.html) Virtual Tour of Tools at the COT Here we travel to the Center for Ocean Technology (COT) where USF researchers show us all the … Read more

What are the effects of gender on the experiences of male/female/intersex individuals entering a scientific field typically dominated by women/men?

Research topic: Gender in the lives and work of scientists and engineers What are the effects of gender on the experiences of male/female/intersex individuals entering a scientific field typically dominated by women/men? (Select one specific field at a specific time and place.) The [Larry Summers/Tim Hunt/other] case of alleged sexism on the part of senior … Read more

Summarize the research article as whole. For instance, what was their goal? Did they attain it? What processes were used?

1. Summarize the research article as whole. For instance, what was their goal? Did they attain it? What processes were used? 2. What did you learn from writing this paper (i.e. new terms, methods, study types, etc.)? 3. How is the field of nuclear medicine and its technologists impacted by this study? 4. Utilize 1 … Read more

Based on your research of the country and situation of the population, develop three recommendations to the problems.

The research paper should be in 11-point Calibri font, double spaced. Focus the paper on one country as a case study and choose an audience for the paper. An audience can be a UN agency, an international or domestic NGO, or government. Based on your research of the country and situation of the population, develop … Read more