What practical steps would you take to build a friendship with a follower of this worldview who might be a co-worker or neighbor?

You can share the gospel with anyone. But if you build an authentic friendship first, it can be easier to share your faith with them. Through those relationships, you may be asked about your faith. That is when 1 Peter 3:15 should be applied to your conversation. If you love them and believe there is … Read more

God’s Story: how does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible?

God’s Story 1.How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible? 2.What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this concept? 3.What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person/people within … Read more

Music expresses an intuitive, sensory, and effective side of our being.what is the role of sacred music in your worship experience?what are some of your favorite hymns and songs?

Are there aspects of worship that frequently move you to a sense of divine presence? Does the word more often, come alive for you through music, prayer, preaching, silence, or sacrament? Music expresses an intuitive, sensory, and effective side of our being. What is the role of sacred music in your worship experience?  What are … Read more

Plan:in a two-section paper titled “Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

Plan In a two-section paper titled “Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, behavioral, affective, physical, social, and spiritual. This should be a paper of 4 pages of content plus  APA-formatted title and reference pages.

Create an annotated bibliography for the following reference.

Create an annotated bibliography for the following reference. Hartmann, D., Zhang, X., & Wischstadt, W. (2005). One (Multicultural) Nation Under God? Changing Uses and Meanings of the Term” Judeo-Christian” in the American Media. Journal of Media and Religion, 4(4), 207-234. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15328415jmr0404_1 Rendtorff, J. D. (2013). The history of the philosophy of management and corporations. Handbook Of The Philosophical … Read more