Write a critical introduction to a book of Bible. Select a biblical book, read it in its entirety, and research its historical background, literary structure, major themes, place in the biblical storyline, and theological message.

Biblical storyline Write a critical introduction to a book of Bible. Select a biblical book, read it in its entirety, and research its historical background, literary structure, major themes, place in the biblical storyline, and theological message. Students should cite at least 6 non-internet, academic sources (books, journal articles, etc.). The paper should be 6-10 … Read more

Write an essay on each of the three chosen texts on the book ”When religion becomes evil by Charles Kimball”.

Religion in the U.S. Today Write an essay on each of the three chosen texts on the book ”When religion becomes evil by Charles Kimball”. These essays (of about three pages each) should describe the book, focus on the author’s arguments, and point of view, and offer their own reflections/analysis/critique of the author’s presentation.  

Identify the author’s argument, then provide an analytical statement about the author’s argument.

Simply Christian by N.T. Wright Identify the author’s argument, then provide an analytical statement about the author’s argument. This analytical statement should reflect what you will argue throughout the rest of this paper. How does the author argue, defend and develop the argument? Ultimately, to what conclusions does the author come? This portion of the … Read more

Christianity : Explain the role of Christianity in the end of apartheid on South Africa.

Christianity Jacobsen writes: “All religions, Christianity included, are also deeply shaped by the cultural containers which hold and support them. (175) … different parts of the world have tended to develop their own local and regional Christian identities (177).” Show how geographic location and all that is related to it, such as local culture, beliefs … Read more

American film actress : Produce a post of at least 200 words where you introduce yourself and present the research on your chosen definition.

American film actress Produce a post of at least 200 words where you introduce yourself and present the research on your chosen definition. Topic: “Feeling warmer in our hearts, more connected to others, more connected to something greater, and having a sense of peace” – Goldie Hawn, American film actress (2005) Provide at least 200 … Read more