After reading the Second Vatican Council’s declaration on the Church’s relationship with non-Christian religions, entitled Nostra Aetate, Share something that you find insightful, helpful, problematic or puzzling.

Second Vatican Council’s declaration After reading the Second Vatican Council’s declaration on the Church’s relationship with non-Christian religions, entitled Nostra Aetate, Share something that you find insightful, helpful, problematic or puzzling.

Which of these two sentiments do you believe and live by most deeply? Give specific examples.

Divine predetermination. As Americans, we are all told that we can be whatever we want, yet many have the idea that all is a matter of fate or divine predetermination, as when someone says, “Everything happens for a reason.” Which of these two sentiments do you believe and live by most deeply? Give specific examples. … Read more

Provide a theological analysis how atonement for sin is accomplished by Jesus’s death on /the cross.

Theology The paper should accomplish the following in 1,750 words: 1. Explore the theological necessity of Jesus’s death as an atoning sacrifice for sin. 2. Provide a theological analysis how atonement for sin is accomplished by Jesus’s death on /the cross. 3. Explain how ultimately the resurrection of Jesus completes the work of redemption. Use … Read more

Explain how ultimately the resurrection of Jesus completes the work of redemption.

Redemption The paper should accomplish the following in 1,750 words: 1. Explore the theological necessity of Jesus’s death as an atoning sacrifice for sin. 2. Provide a theological analysis how atonement for sin is accomplished by Jesus’s death on /the cross. 3. Explain how ultimately the resurrection of Jesus completes the work of redemption.

Explore the theological necessity of Jesus’s death as an atoning sacrifice for sin.

Theological necessity The purpose of this essay is to connect Jesus’s death on the cross to his resurrection from the dead in a theological reflection that aims to explore the impact and effect of salvation. Since salvation begins and ends with the person and work of Christ, this theological paper will explore the ways in … Read more

Provide a theological analysis how atonement for sin is accomplished by Jesus’s death on /the cross.

Essay The purpose of this essay is to connect Jesus’s death on the cross to his resurrection from the dead in a theological reflection that aims to explore the impact and effect of salvation. Since salvation begins and ends with the person and work of Christ, this theological paper will explore the ways in which … Read more

Explore the theological necessity of Jesus’s death as an atoning sacrifice for sin.

Theological reflection. The purpose of this essay is to connect Jesus’s death on the cross to his resurrection from the dead in a theological reflection that aims to explore the impact and effect of salvation. Since salvation begins and ends with the person and work of Christ, this theological paper will explore the ways in … Read more

Define what the Enlightenment wanted to replace theology with, and how this changed the way we view humanity?

Invitation to Church History Based on your readings of Ch. 11: Define what the Enlightenment wanted to replace theology with, and how this changed the way we view humanity? What were the beliefs of Immanuel Kant and how did they affect Christianity/religion (how did it create confusion)? Describe the major beliefs of Liberal Theology. Describe … Read more

Describe 3 challenges you had to overcome during these weeks and what you learned in overcoming them that can be applied in your professional practice.

Reflection on Learning Essay. Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: all chapters Lesson: all weeks Feedback from peers and instructor Instructions Complete the following as either a written essay or video reflection. If video is chosen, you should include all these same requirements. Reflect on your learning experiences over these 8 weeks. Choose … Read more