Discuss about the recent studies of Pauline epistles, which will talk about covenantal nomism as set forth by E.P. Sanders’ work and some new scholars’ perspectives, will be analyzed who have narrowly redefined by the pauline theology.

Righteousness in Romans. Discuss about the recent studies of Pauline epistles, which will talk about covenantal nomism as set forth by E.P. Sanders’ work and some new scholars’ perspectives, will be analyzed who have narrowly redefined by the pauline theology.

THE 4 TRUTHS OF LIFE-Explain how one of the 4 truths is an important element of one of the 10 Commandments.

PART 1: IMAGE OF THE CHURCH Write about an image of the church that you appreciate. Choose from the list below. Explain its origins in scripture Explain what the metaphor means as if you were talking to an 8 year old. (6 sentences minimum) Explain how it might be different from how you have viewed … Read more

Religious Service Experience-Briefly describe the significant elements of the service (besides the order of service, sermon, or public address), outline the points of the service.

Religious Service Experience. https://cornerstonefaith.church/sermons/744734–may-9-2021-treasures-in-heaven Briefly describe the significant elements of the service (besides the order of service, sermon, or public address), outline the points of the service. Pay particular attention to any references to American culture and be sure to include these in your report. Record your personal response to the service (narrate how you … Read more

Explain how Christianity has a positive impact the culture of the Sawi? How does it negatively impact their culture?

Write a 4 page analysis on the book “The Peace Child.” This book will help you better understand the challenges of trying to en-culturate the Gospel (connecting and presenting the Gospel in a radically different culture than one’s own). Give an overall view of how you would evaluate his ministry and methodology, but offer concrete … Read more