Putting the Bible Together, how might you frame the big picture of the biblical narrative? What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each of these? How does framing the gospel in terms of this big narrative do justice to the unity of the Scriptures?

The Grand Story of the Gospel. Reflecting on your readings in McKnight and Bates, and utilizing the metanarrative options discussed in the Website Article. Putting the Bible Together, how might you frame the big picture of the biblical narrative? What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each … Read more

Choose one (1) of the following psychological views on the origin of religion.

The Study of Religion Choose one (1) of the following psychological views on the origin of religion: Freud James Jung Then, address the following: Briefly describe your chosen theory as believed by the theorist.Defend your choice by discussing why this theory is the best explanation as to the origin of religions. Choose two (2) of … Read more

Religion and Popular Culture: Why are meditation apps so popular?

Religion and Popular Culture: Why are Meditation Apps so Popular? Include examples of popular meditation apps, and go into detail about the various benefits of meditation, specifically guided meditation, and some possible statistics of how popular they’ve become. Minimum five sources, of which three should be peer-reviewed, academic sources.  

Swami Tyagananda claims that learning about different religions can deepen our own faith commitments and help us learn more about ourselves and our own religious traditions. Do you agree with his perspective? Why or why not?

God Is Not One 1After watching the video clip of Swami Tyagananda and reading the “Introduction” in our textbook 1) What are your thoughts about the perspectives on religious diversity offered by Swami Tyagananda and Stephen Prothero? Are you more persuaded by Swami Tyagananda’s argument that all religions are true and that they are all … Read more

Do modern artworks and the institutions which display them tell their own ‘story of salvation’?

First essay (2500 words) is worth 40% of your total mark; second essay (3000 words) is worth 60% of your total mark.   How have the arts provided a means for Christians in London to express their faith? Answer giving particular examples. How are ecclesiastical buildings in London related to the activities that have gone … Read more

Select a current moral issue to research.Provide a clear discussion of the issue, moral Catholic teachings regarding it, and application to pastoral settings, including the formation of Catholic conscience on the issue.

Outline and Bibliography on a Current Moral Issue . 2500 word Select a current moral issue to research.Provide a clear discussion of the issue, moral Catholic teachings regarding it, and application to pastoral settings, including the formation of Catholic conscience on the issue.  

 Confucianism and Daoism : What elements or features or ideas are unique to each one, making it distinctively different from the other?

 Confucianism and Daoism Compare and contrast Confucianism with Daoism. What elements or features do they share in common with each other? What specific sorts of similarities seem to exist between them? On the other hand, how (or in what specific ways) do they differ from each other? What elements or features or ideas are unique … Read more

Bible Study : After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 6-11), identify the following items:

Bible Study Cartwright_Guiterrez_Hulshof_chapters_6_11 After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 6-11), identify the following items: Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind Hearts: 1 idea that you loved. Once you have … Read more