Reflect on someone you consider a mentor to you or your organization. Discuss how he or she has helped bring you or others along and into key leadership roles.

Reflect on someone you consider a mentor to you or your organization. Discuss how he or she has helped bring you or others along and into key leadership roles. What has he or she provided in the way of knowledge to your organization?

Identify how your personal personnel management plan has helped you to prepare for the upcoming interview.

Identify how your personal personnel management plan has helped you to prepare for the upcoming interview. Which aspects of the exam/interview do you feel the most and least confident about? Why? Elaborate on social media use, cultural diversity, and motivation levels within the department as they are a major responsibility of this new position. Prepare … Read more

What is the most positive way your department past or present uses social media? Has this helped to bring it closer to the community? Why, or why not?

Managers have to deal with the use of social media as a new form of communication. What is the most positive way your department past or present uses social media? Has this helped to bring it closer to the community? Why, or why not?

What do your results show you? What does this mean? Did your approach work? Was your project successful? Did you find out what you expected to find?

Abstract (400 words) Imagine the person reading this has no idea about you and your project so be very clear. It should be a short description of your research to enable the reader to decide if they want to read the whole paper. Introduction (600 words) Imagine the reader knows nothing about your project, be … Read more

What are the ethical issues associated with this conflict? What local examples help illustrate this conflict?

Public administrators often confront the potentially conflicting demands of operating as efficiently as possible while being fully responsive C°9 Elementary Spanish to a variety of stakeholders. What are the ethical issues associated with this conflict? What local examples help illustrate this conflict?  

Submit:  2,000-word  executive report comprising clear and concise statement defining the case study situation, justifying its relevance as a problem or opportunity facing a specific organization and/or sector, and verifying that it can be addressed by strategic public relations.

Executive Report and Supporting Summary Analysis of Research Findings. Submit a 2,000-word  executive report comprising clear and concise statement defining the case study situation, justifying its relevance as a problem or opportunity facing a specific organization and/or sector, and verifying that it can be addressed by strategic public relations Overview of the secondary research methodology … Read more

Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States.

The task that I’ve chosen is: ´´Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States (African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, or Jewish Americans). Use primary sources from the Library of Congress or NARA (the National Archives) or other serious archival source.´´ I’ve already sent in a term paper … Read more