Write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges based on the results.

Psychology. Complete the Holmes-Raye Life Stress Inventory and Perceived Stress Questionnaire either yourself or administer it to an anonymous person in order to evaluate the results. Write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges based on the … Read more

Write an essay of 500-750 words in which you analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and apply them to your speculations concerning.

General psychology. Explain major psychological concepts, theories, and perspectives. Apply psychological concepts to personal, social, and organizational problems. Use information literacy skills to locate appropriate relevant community resources and materials to create an informative essay. Write an essay of 500-750 words  in which you analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and apply them to your speculations … Read more

Write a self-analysis paper about what you remember about your developmental history.

Self-Analysis. Write a self-analysis paper about what you remember about your developmental history. What was significant at various points in your life ? What events have most influenced and impacted you? What influences do you feel have been the strongest, and why? What are your most vivid memories of childhood? What accomplishments and struggles have … Read more

Discuss the basics of how to identify whether someone is more of an introvert or extrovert. The impacts this identification has on our daily life. What are the reasons why it is important to know.

Introvert or extrovert Discuss the basics of how to identify whether someone is more of an introvert or extrovert. The impacts this identification has on our daily life. What are the reasons why it is important to know.

Discuss a minimum of one prevention strategy to prevent TBI in children and youth.

Injuries Many traumatic injuries can be prevented. Think First is an organization that addresses prevention of injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI), and other injuries. Explore the website and: Discuss a minimum of one prevention strategy to prevent TBI in children and youth. Describe the role teachers and other school … Read more

Discuss whether you see similarities between sex trafficking and other forms of gender violence.

Gender violence Discuss whether you see similarities between sex trafficking and other forms of gender violence. Do you see any similarities in the characteristics of sex trafficking victims to victims of the other forms of gender violence listed above? Are there similarities in the tactics used by perpetrators of sex trafficking to perpetrators of the … Read more

Choose one of the diagnoses listed below. Discuss an evidence-based practice (EBP) for the diagnosis. Discuss any disparities in treatment .

Psychology. Choose one of the diagnoses listed below. Discuss an evidence-based practice (EBP) for the diagnosis. Discuss any disparities in treatment . Anxiety Bipolar disorders Oppositional defiance disorder Depression Schizoaffective disorder Use a scholarly source to cite your description of the EBP and the disparity. Any selected diagnosis writing to be 250-350 words and have … Read more