Write a section in which you use the theory or principle to either understand or solve the problem (~1 page).

Draw on any theory or principle discussed in class, or in your course readings. Social Psychology (PSYC 332) This third application paper follows the same format as the first two, but choose a different problem, and a different social psychological theory. Your assignment is to write a short (~3 pages, or 900 words) APA-style paper … Read more

What extent do you think AI tools, like ChatGPT, will McDonaldize education?

Consider if you think the McDonaldization of education diminishes our humanity. This week, we are exploring institutions, which are the large scale societal entities that meet societal needs (family, education, economy, military, government, etc.). For this discussion board post, we’ll focus on education. Particularly, let’s explore the impact of ChatGPT and other AI text generators … Read more

Who is exempt from reporting (if applicable)?

Provide a few examples and some of the techniques you might utilize to reach your treatment goals Discussion post Discussion one: Domestic Violence Class • RAINN (Under Search type in “State Law Database” then choose your state. Click on “Mandatory Reporting: The Elderly”) • National Domestic Violence Hotline • National Committee for the Prevention of … Read more

Describe the behaviors that are typically exhibited following the onset of the disease.

Imagine you work for a neuropsychologist with patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease. Neuropsychology looks at the link between the brain and behavior. Understanding neuropsychology allows a person in the field of mental health to understand how damage or illness to the brain impacts behavior and allows for insight into … Read more

What are the underlying causes of symptoms of the disease or disorder?

Select and research a disease or disorder related to the endocrine system. Wait A what? Imagine that you are employed at a local nonprofit agency and belong to an online community of people who work in the field of mental health. In a blog space, you are interested in sharing information on a particular disease … Read more

Discuss how you can manage the potential of unauthorized disclosure and the breach of confidentiality in your use of technology.

Determine if the field practicum offers any digital services. Submit Journal Entry: Identify Ethical Challenges in Social Work and Technology Instructions   In this week’s journal, you will discuss some potential ethical challenges you may encounter in your use of technology. After reviewing this week’s readings, discuss the following: Discuss how you can manage the … Read more

Which advertising and marketing strategies are not as persuasive?

Provide examples and describe the strategies that are most successful. Discussion week 5 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the psychological factors behind e-commerce? Consider the point of view of the consumer as well as the seller. To what extent are social and behavioral health theories at play when … Read more

Analyze challenges users have mentioned regarding the current website.

Provide a hypothetical name for your organization. AMPT.470 Research Proposal Imagine you work for an Internet-based organization wishing to create a new learning platform for its customers. Your company would like to release a redesigned version of its website and would like feedback from its clientele in preparation for these changes. Based on your experience … Read more

Draw conclusions and implications from the study and disseminate the findings through publications and presentations.

Conduct individual interviews with the selected students virtually using video conferencing software. AMPT/470 Wk 5 Research Proposal Research Question: How does digital learning impact student engagement, learning outcomes, and overall academic performance in K-12 education? Literature Review: The literature review will focus on exploring the impact of digital learning on student engagement, motivation, and academic … Read more