Differentiate addiction across the lifespan for adolescent, early adult, middle adult, and elder adult populations, and distinguish specific treatment techniques most appropriate for specific lifespan perspectives.

Addiction The impact of addiction is intense for any individual regardless of age. As psychology professionals have become more focused upon the growing elder adult population, it has become evident that even seniors are not exempt from the challenges of addictive behavior. Differentiate addiction across the lifespan for adolescent, early adult, middle adult, and elder … Read more

Analyze the facts and opinions within the article of your choice, considering the background, career, education, or any other relevant aspects of the author/s origins and potential motivations behind them.

Media Article Analysis. 1. Analyze the facts and opinions within the article of your choice, considering the background, career, education, or any other relevant aspects of the author/s origins and potential motivations behind them. 2. Write an analysis of the potential impact on readers of the article, thinking about the demographic the media is targeted … Read more

Identify something you would like to observe about a child .Explain the context and why you want to observe him or her.

Quantitative approach and a qualitative approach Identify something you would like to observe about a child .Explain the context and why you want to observe him or her. Explain how you could collect quantitative data and qualitative data and which you prefer and why. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a quantitative approach and a … Read more

Differentiate addiction across the lifespan for adolescent, early adult, middle adult, and elder adult populations, and distinguish specific treatment techniques most appropriate for specific lifespan perspectives.

The impact of addiction. The impact of addiction is intense for any individual regardless of age. As psychology professionals have become more focused upon the growing elder adult population, it has become evident that even seniors are not exempt from the challenges of addictive behavior. Differentiate addiction across the lifespan for adolescent, early adult, middle … Read more

What are some ways that technology has saved you time but also put you in a time crunch? Has technology given you a lot of choices.

Paradox of progress The paradox of progress suggests that technology and progress bring both enrichment and difficulties into our lives. What are some ways that technology has saved you time but also put you in a time crunch? Has technology given you a lot of choices.

Research findings indicate that alcohol consumption is particularly prevalent on college campuses. What is it about the college experience that contributes to the high rates of alcohol abuse among students?

Alcohol consumption Research findings indicate that alcohol consumption is particularly prevalent on college campuses. What is it about the college experience that contributes to the high rates of alcohol abuse among students?

What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates? Do you foresee a time in the near future when virtually no couples will remain married to each other throughout their lives?

Modern Life What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates? Do you foresee a time in the near future when virtually no couples will remain married to each other throughout their lives?

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs.

Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships. Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of STIs, the methods used to test for STIs, and the way in which STIs are treated as well as their … Read more

What are some of the factors that impede the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean?

Intervention, Psycho-social support and Older Adults in the Caribbean. 1. What are some of the factors that impede the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean? 2. What are the present interventions in place that protect the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean? 3. What recommendations can be given to fillip the … Read more