Research on the career path you plan to pursue which is a Mental Health Specialist or Counselor, and develop a PowerPoint presentation.

Mental Health Research on the career path you plan to pursue which is a Mental Health Specialist or Counselor, and develop a PowerPoint presentation. Additional Requirements: 1. Presentation should be 10 slides in length. This includes a title/introduction slide and a reference slide. 2. The content presented in your PPT should be supported by a … Read more

On two independent variables and one dependent variable and it needs to be about how gender and age of person emotionally abused effects their ability to maintain healthy relationships.

Independent variables and one dependent variable On two independent variables and one dependent variable and it needs to be about how gender and age of person emotionally abused effects their ability to maintain healthy relationships. 1 inch margins, Double spaced, Typed in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Write about “Anxiety” a mental health disorder and how has it affected you personally and the impact anxiety has with activities of daily living.

Mental health disorder. Write about “Anxiety” a mental health disorder and how has it affected you personally and the impact anxiety has with activities of daily living. APA format or references required. Double space.  

Describe how women and men might have encountered similar or different adaptive problems during evolution, and how this affects natural and sexual selection.

Natural and sexual selection Explain the principles of natural and sexual selection. Describe how women and men might have encountered similar or different adaptive problems during evolution, and how this affects natural and sexual selection.

How do multiple diagnoses affect the decision-making process for diagnostic impressions and treatment planning?

Diagnostic impressions. How do multiple diagnoses affect the decision-making process for diagnostic impressions and treatment planning? How do you decide what disorder you might address first, or do you address both simultaneously? How does a substance use disorder affect the process of diagnostic impressions and the order you make treatment recommendations?

Analyze, present, evaluate and interpret quantitative and qualitative data and research findings in order to develop arguments and make sound judgements in accordance with theories and concepts in psychology

Swearing and pain treshold Write up an APA formatted research report in an area of cognitive psychology. Design, conduct and engage with psychological research involving a range of methods Analyze, present, evaluate and interpret quantitative and qualitative data and research findings in order to develop arguments and make sound judgements in accordance with theories and … Read more

Considering the course materials for the week, think about the situations in which your creativity is at its highest. In what format is your creativity best expressed?

Expressing Creativity. Elizabeth Kirk (2016) explores the role of gesturing in encouraging creative thought in young children. The study conducted revealed gesturing increased the number of novel ideas generated by children. This gives us much to consider as we look at what drives our creativity! • Considering the course materials for the week, think about … Read more