Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life.

ADHD Charlie, a six year old in the first grade, has just been diagnosed with ADHD by his family physician. Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life. Discuss the information that you would like to have that would help you determine if Charlie’s … Read more

Why not use caffeine to treat alcohol addiction? Analyze the issues of pharmacological and physiological antagonism.

Overdose and addiction Alcohol and caffeine have nearly opposite effects on behavior and the nervous system, yet these substances are not used to treat overdose or addiction to the other. Why not use caffeine to treat alcohol addiction? Analyze the issues of pharmacological and physiological antagonism. Explain the receptor systems involved and the central nervous … Read more

After reading a peer reviewed article for your final exam research paper, write a two-paragraph summary and include a citation and reference for your article using APA format.

Research paper Begin your online search for 3 to 4 peer-reviewed articles for your final exam research paper. Start summarizing or paraphrasing each article to prepare for your paper. Discuss the following: After reading a peer reviewed article for your final exam research paper, write a two-paragraph summary and include a citation and reference for … Read more

How would you cite the article in your reference section ?What was the main topic studied?

Peer-review journal Answer the following questions concerning a peer-review journal article that is relevant to your research project. 1.) How would you cite the article in your reference section (in APA format)? 2.) What was the main topic studied? 3.) Why is it important to study this topic? 4.) What were the hypotheses or main … Read more

Reflect on how culture, race, and ethnicity impact the therapeutic process? Pick one of the cultural groups discussed in the reading, and discuss culturally-specific considerations related to working with this group of people.

Culture Diversity. Reflect on how culture, race, and ethnicity impact the therapeutic process? Pick one of the cultural groups discussed in the reading, and discuss culturally-specific considerations related to working with this group of people. Describe 2 specific interventions/approaches that are validated for working with this population and how you would apply them in treatment … Read more

Discuss the major sources of norepinephrine in the fore-brain and in the peripheral nervous system.

Chapter 5 After reading Chapter 5 in Psychopharmacology 1) Discuss the major sources of norepinephrine in the fore-brain and in the peripheral nervous system. 2) What is the “fight or flight” response? How do epinephrine and norepinephrine mediate this response? 3) How can this knowledge be helpful for a client who experiences debilitating anxiety and … Read more

Were you previously aware of this mass burial site in West Palm Beach?Describe and explain your thoughts and feelings while reading the article and watching the video.

Article analysis. Watch the video and read the article, to answer the following questions. Were you previously aware of this mass burial site in West Palm Beach? Describe and explain your thoughts and feelings while reading the article and watching the video. How do you think the erasure of so many people affected … Read more

How would you cite the article in your reference section?What was the main topic studied?

A peer-review journal article Answer the following questions concerning a peer-review journal article that is relevant to your research project. Article reviews should be 2 pages minimum to receive full credit and answers should be in your own words. Answer the following questions in Complete sentences. 1.) How would you cite the article in your … Read more

Are doctors who over prescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?

The Opioid Epidemic Are doctors who over prescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic? Formatting Format your essay following American Psychological Association (APA) style. Using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Paragraph line spacing to 2.0, double-spacing. Use 1 inch margins.