Analyze and evaluate Texas tax policies. Describe the politics of state spending. Analyze Texas educational policies and the politics of education.

Texas Politics Today Analyze and evaluate Texas tax policies. Describe the politics of state spending. Analyze Texas educational policies and the politics of education. Analyze Texas health and human services policies and the politics of income redistribution.  

Describe how judges will be chosen for each court and discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced.

New State Of Puerto Rico You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. You are to work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up. To be certain you understand how courts are organized … Read more

Write an essay in which you develop the analyses of these central themes as set forth in Negri’s Kaìros, Alma Venus, Multitudo.

Take-Home Examination 1) In his Foucault, Veyne takes great care in establishing Foucault’s theory of history, especially with regard to discourses, historical formations, and dispositifs. Given these central concepts, along with any others you may deem essential to this end, how does Veyne conceptualize Foucault’s theory of history and the attendant methods Foucault employs in … Read more

To what extent did President Barack Obama manage to change the direction of US foreign policy?Discuss.

Foreign policy To what extent did President Barack Obama manage to change the direction of US foreign policy?Discuss. Your essay should be 3000 words, exclusive of footnotes (endnotes) and bibliography. It should be typed, double-spaced, properly footnoted, and include a bibliography of the books, articles, and other source material used for the assignment.

Strategic analysis : Reflect on the problem of “insider threat,” and compose a strategic analysis of two or more alternative solutions.

Strategic analysis Reflect on the problem of “insider threat,” and compose a strategic analysis of two or more alternative solutions. Present that analysis in the form of a “policy memo.” The memo is a brief analytic product, variations of which are commonly used in business, government, and elsewhere. Define the problem . If you have … Read more