Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional”.

Plessy v Ferguson: Perpetuating Segragation Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional”.

“India’s decision to acquire nuclear capability can be better understood through the prisms of status and prestige rather than its desire to be a powerful state. Do you agree?”

International relations of South Asia. “India’s decision to acquire nuclear capability can be better understood through the prisms of status and prestige rather than its desire to be a powerful state. Do you agree?”  

Has Federalism in the USA evolved from Dual to Cooperative?Explain.

Has Federalism in the USA evolved from Dual to Cooperative?Explain. Write 5-7 pages of text for the body of the paper which includes a synthesis of the important concepts, theories, and models that inform your research question. Provide at least 10 sources from peer-reviewed articles and at least one Scripture reference.

American Presidency : Which of the forty-six presidents do you believe is the greatest and why do you believe so?

American Presidency. In this course we examined, among other things, the powers of and limits on the American presidency, as well as the relationships between the president and other major actors in the political system. And we studied presidential leadership during time of war and crisis. Now it is time to appraise and evaluate. (For … Read more

. Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism?

Nationalism 1. Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism? 2. Can the current crisis of liberal world order be understood without taking into account colonialism? 3. What is the role of Trump in the current crisis of liberal world order? 4. … Read more

To what extent do portrayals of violence in African contexts misrepresent the ethnic and political dynamics?

Ethnic and political dynamics. To what extent do portrayals of violence in African contexts misrepresent the ethnic and political dynamics? Essay format: Use 1.5 or double line spacing, with 1 inch/2.5 cm margins. Use a 12pt sans serif font (Arial, Calibri, Comic Sans, Century Gothic, Geneva, Helvetica, Verdana, and Trebuchet).