Does FHFA’s structure violates the separation of power.Prepare a memo in which you consider the issues and recommend a ruling. 

As a judicial clerk for a United States Supreme Court Justice Jamion Christian. Justice Christian has no party affiliation; a unanimous Senate approved Justice Christian after a five-day hearing revealed no prejudice or bias on Christian’s part. Since joining the Court, Justice Christian has been informed, reasonable, and politically neutral. work on the case Collins … Read more

Analyse  the US Foreign Policy decision-making process related to issues associated with the pre-war attempt to mitigate the Falklands Crisis during the Reagan Administration.

You are a State Department analyst working on South American issues. The United Nations plans to open a review discussion of the Conflict Mitigation Related to Conflicting Territorial Claims. The Secretary of State needs an analysi the US Foreign Policy decision-making process related to issues associated with the pre-war attempt to mitigate the Falklands Crisis … Read more

What are the reasons for internet shutdowns/were there any strong national movements online?

An underestimated weapon – internet shutdowns as a form of state violence. What are the reasons for internet shutdowns/were there any strong national movements online? What triggered it (international attention) What are the ideological parallels to this phenomenon (authoritarianism, realism?)

Find a segment on the SAME political topic or political event by liberal commentator Rachel Maddow. What points does she make?

Find a segment on a particular political topic or political event by the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. Summarize the points made by Tucker. Find a segment on the SAME political topic or political event by liberal commentator Rachel Maddow. What points does she make? Compare and contrast the way in which each commentator presents their … Read more

Current Events Journal On Interest Groups:Identify a current news article and write a journal entry analyzing how your selected article reflects one or more of the Key Terms from Chapter Eight of your textbook.

Current Events Journal On Interest Groups. Identify a current news article and write a journal entry analyzing how your selected article reflects one or more of the Key Terms from Chapter Eight of your textbook.