Utilizing the Army Financial Management & Comptroller website, www.asafm.army.mil, Choose an appropriation and identify its purpose and annotate the differences between two fiscal years of your choice.

New to Resource Management, you are eager to understand the President’s Budget to Congress. Utilizing the Army Financial Management & Comptroller website, www.asafm.army.mil (Budget Materials), Choose an appropriation and identify its purpose and annotate the differences between two fiscal years of your choice. The intent is to navigate the ASA (FM&C) website, analyze and familiarize … Read more

h Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X-Compose an essay exploring the similarities and differences in their reasoning.

The Use of Violence Both Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X argue that there are situations in which a resort to violence is legitimate. Compose an essay exploring the similarities and differences in their reasoning. [Note: For Douglass, be sure to read “Is It Right and Wise to Kill a Kidnapper?” and “Why Should a Colored … Read more

How do we explain differences in movement outcomes in comparative countries such as the United Stats, Britain, and Canada?

How do we explain differences in movement outcomes in comparative countries such as the United Stats, Britain, and Canada? Can right-wing movements continue to maintain themselves if counter movement campaigns around abortion and gay rights decline? How can collective action framing help to unite a “movement of movements” such as the global justice movement?

Provide a brief literature review of important current theories, which culminates in an explanation for why more research is necessary.

Create an original research paper concerning the politics of the economic foreign policy of your choice. This research paper should pull together all the assignments from the semester. As such, it should Include a description of the policy which identifies an interesting puzzle. Provide a brief literature review of important current theories, which culminates in … Read more